Ned Savoie

8years All Star
Ned Savoie
I am riding 300 mi in memory of Maddie Savoie. Please sponsor me and support my challenge to fight kids' cancer and save little lives.
I've Ridden 0.0 mi ? My goal is 300 mi
My Rankings
  • National: N/A
  • State: N/A in ME
I've raised $0 My goal is $5,000 Donate Now

I'm Riding For

Maddie Savoie

My Story

14 Sep 2022

It's 2022. Been a couple of strange years, to say the least. We thought normal was around the corner. Nothing's normal these days. Especially if you have a kid fighting cancer. But you all helped me raise over $25k last year, my best one ever. Now I need you to help me beat that!

I know there's not a lot of extra money in everyone's pockets, but please help out and dig as deep as you can. Families suffering from cancer, especially kids, have a harder time than ever. It eats away at everyone.

I'm riding in the Great Cycle Challenge to fight kids' cancer. My beautiful niece Maddie died of cancer and the whole tragic fight absolutely sucked (sorry, I don't have a better vocabulary, but I missed my nap).

Over the last couple of years, I watched as Cam Russell fought a battle against cancer. And again, I watched as my friends Lisa and Lane had their hearts torn asunder as Lisa's beautiful, funny, original son lost his battle. It rips people apart. It rips families. It rips hearts.

And that's why I ride. Actually, that's why I beg. The riding is the easy part. It's the begging I need help with. And that's where you come in.

We can beat cancer, but we need to keep up the fight, and we need your help.

And my trusty sidekicks, B&B, are riding much of the way with me. Whether they like it or not.

My Legacy

Here's my personal impact over 8 years to fight kids' cancer and save little lives.
  • 213 mi Ridden
    $6,722 Raised
  • Ridden
  • 281 mi Ridden
    $6,970 Raised
  • 459 mi Ridden
    $11,154 Raised
  • 304 mi Ridden
    $26,132 Raised
  • 316 mi Ridden
    $16,185 Raised
  • 128 mi Ridden
    $12,335 Raised
1,701 mi
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