• Stephanie getting ready to start a new treatment
    10 Jun 2024

    Hello Friends,

    I want to update you. My niece Stephanie is getting set up to start Proton Therapy in the very near future. She finished a whole year of Chemo Therapy and her Junior year at college. She had two tumors, one in her left shoulder and one in her pelvic area. The tumor in her shoulder is no longer visiable so they will continue to target her pelvic area tumor. Please continue to pray for her and the family.

    I look forward to continuing to ride in the Great Cycle Challenge (my 6th year participating and the Challenge's 10th year of existance) to raise awarenss and funds for Children's Cancer Research Fund.

    Thank you for your interest in this endeavor and in Stephanie's challenge to beat cancer!



    Posted 2 days ago