• Kick Cancer's Butt Day matched donation
    “Here's your matched donation from a group of wonderful Children's Cancer Research Fund supporters. THANK YOU so much for your awesome efforts to kick cancer's butt!”
    Received this donation 8 days ago
  • Daniel Buitron
    “Ride on!”
    Received this donation 9 days ago
  • David McCune
    “Go Nance!”
    Received this donation 13 days ago
  • Anonymous
    Received this donation 14 days ago
  • Janice and John Travis
    “We are honored to help you reach your personal goal for Eliesha and all the others affected by childhood cancers ❤️”
    Received this donation 13 days ago
  • Laurye and Rick Wilcox
    “Very glad to assist in your efforts to help other little ones.”
    Received this donation 11 days ago
  • Wayne Hartz
    “Thank you Nancy.”
    Received this donation 8 days ago
  • Jim McCune
    Received this donation 9 days ago
    Nancy Lovell
    “Thanks, Jim and Bev, for supporting me as I ride in memory of Eliesha and in hopes that research will help others. Your generosity helped me meet and exceed my goal- that Kick cancer’s Butt matching money was a real boost! Dave and I rode the same route we did today except we went the long way!”
  • Carol and Bob Fonden
    “Way to go! Keep up cycling, Nancy!”
    Received this donation 10 days ago
  • Gretchen Lovell
    Received this donation 13 days ago
  • Jaydn McCune
    “Please support Nancy as she raises money to fight the awful cancer that took her her daughter way too soon!”
    Received this donation 4 days ago
  • Kari Zelson
    “Love to you!”
    Received this donation 3 days ago
  • Sue Shields
    “Go Cuz!!”
    Received this donation 8 days ago
  • Bob and Polly Blank
    “Way to Go Nancy!!!!! 💖💪😘”
    Received this donation 8 days ago
    “Go Sis'! Wish I could be riding with you today to honor Eliesha. She continues to inspire me to stand tall and love-all. 💕”
    Received this donation 4 days ago
  • Christine Robinson
    “Go Nancy!”
    Received this donation 8 days ago
  • Dan & Sandy Mosher
    “You go girl!”
    Received this donation 10 days ago
  • Jane Koestler
    “Enjoy your rides during our beautiful weather. May this bring you peace and comfort.”
    Received this donation 8 days ago
  • Jennifer Lovell
    Received this donation 8 days ago
  • Josie Drushal
    “You are amazing!!”
    Received this donation 9 days ago