• Kick Cancer's Butt Day matched donation
    “Here's your matched donation from a group of wonderful Children's Cancer Research Fund supporters. THANK YOU so much for your awesome efforts to kick cancer's butt!”
    Received this donation 101 days ago
  • Daniel Buitron
    “Ride on!”
    Received this donation 103 days ago
    Nancy Lovell
    “Thank you Daniel, for supporting my ride and this cause dear to our hearts. Thanks to you and so many others I raised over $3000. this year! I’m still riding!”
  • David McCune
    “Go Nance!”
    Received this donation 107 days ago
  • Anonymous
    Received this donation 108 days ago
    Nancy Lovell
    “Thank you, anonymous friend of kicking cancer’s butt- you helped me raise over $3000. !”
  • Janice and John Travis
    “We are honored to help you reach your personal goal for Eliesha and all the others affected by childhood cancers ❤️”
    Received this donation 107 days ago
    Nancy Lovell
    “John and Janny, Thank you for supporting me as I ride and donating to work on cancer research! The month is almost done and thanks to you and others I’ve raised over $3000. for it- and I have 16 more miles to ride to reach my goal of 150 miles. I love the way this gets me out on these (mostly) nice fall days AND helps me do something positive in Eliesha’s honor.”
  • Laurye and Rick Wilcox
    “Very glad to assist in your efforts to help other little ones.”
    Received this donation 105 days ago
    Nancy Lovell
    “Thanks so much, Laurye and Rick, for donating to the Cancer Research center and supporting me as I ride for this good cause and to remember Eliesha. I’ve really been an enjoying riding on these beautiful early fall days! Only 50 more miles to go!”
  • Wayne Hartz
    “Thank you Nancy.”
    Received this donation 102 days ago
    Nancy Lovell
    “Wayne and Peg, Thanks so much for supporting research in childhood cancers and me as I ride in memory of Eliesha! I’ve really been enjoying these early autumn rides. Only 50 more miles to go!”
  • Jim McCune
    Received this donation 103 days ago
    Nancy Lovell
    “Thanks, Jim and Bev, for supporting me as I ride in memory of Eliesha and in hopes that research will help others. Your generosity helped me meet and exceed my goal- that Kick cancer’s Butt matching money was a real boost! Dave and I rode the same route we did today except we went the long way!”
  • Carol and Bob Fonden
    “Way to go! Keep up cycling, Nancy!”
    Received this donation 104 days ago
    Nancy Lovell
    “Bob and Carol, Thank you for supporting me as I ride and donating to work on cancer research! The month is almost done and thanks to you and others I’ve raised over $3000. for it- and I have 16 more miles to ride to reach my goal of 150 miles. I love the way this gets me out on these (mostly) nice fall days AND helps me do something positive in Eliesha’s honor.”
  • Gretchen Lovell
    Received this donation 107 days ago
    Nancy Lovell
    “Gretchen and Ian, Thanks so much for supporting my riding to fight cancer. You helped me raise $3200. for cancer research! Love you! So glad we could chat as a nice break on my ride the other day. ❤️”
  • Jaydn McCune
    “Please support Nancy as she raises money to fight the awful cancer that took her her daughter way too soon!”
    Received this donation 97 days ago
    Nancy Lovell
    “Jaydn and Stan, Thank you for supporting me as I ride and donating to work on cancer research! The month is almost done and thanks to you and others I’ve raised over $3000. for it- and I have 16 more miles to ride to reach my goal of 150 miles. I love the way this gets me out on these (mostly) nice fall days AND helps me do something positive in Eliesha’s honor.”
  • Kari Zelson
    “Love to you!”
    Received this donation 96 days ago
    Nancy Lovell
    “Thanks so much, Kari, for supporting my riding to help find cures for cancers such as Eliesha’s. And thank you for sharing it on social media in case I missed anyone! People like you have been so generous! I have raised double the amount I had set as a goal!!”
  • Sue Shields
    “Go Cuz!!”
    Received this donation 102 days ago
  • Bob and Polly Blank
    “Way to Go Nancy!!!!! 💖💪😘”
    Received this donation 102 days ago
    Nancy Lovell
    “Polly and Bob, Thank you for supporting me as I ride and donating to work on cancer research! The month is almost done and thanks to you and others I’ve raised over $3000. for it- and I have 16 more miles to ride to reach my goal of 150 miles. I love the way this gets me out on these (mostly) nice fall days AND helps me do something positive in Eliesha’s honor.”
    “Go Sis'! Wish I could be riding with you today to honor Eliesha. She continues to inspire me to stand tall and love-all. 💕”
    Received this donation 98 days ago
  • Christine Robinson
    “Go Nancy!”
    Received this donation 102 days ago
  • Dan & Sandy Mosher
    “You go girl!”
    Received this donation 104 days ago
  • Jane Koestler
    “Enjoy your rides during our beautiful weather. May this bring you peace and comfort.”
    Received this donation 102 days ago
  • Jennifer Lovell
    Received this donation 102 days ago
  • Josie Drushal
    “You are amazing!!”
    Received this donation 103 days ago