• Kick Cancer's Butt Day matched donation
    “Here's your matched donation from a group of wonderful Children's Cancer Research Fund supporters. THANK YOU so much for your awesome efforts to kick cancer's butt!”
    Received this donation 102 days ago
  • Anonymous
    Received this donation 98 days ago
    Dennis O'Brien
    “Dear Anonymous: Thank you for your generosity, it will help fund the research which will help cure the cancers suffered by so many children. I began participating in this effort in 2019, thinking of the sister-in-law of my daughter, who had “the cancer gene,” and had suffered, and survived, three types of cancer as a child. A year after I started this annual fundraiser, my youngest child called to tell me he had been diagnosed with Hodgkins Lymphoma. Even though he was 26, and could knowingly handle the challenge, it was still a gut punch to me. I can only imagine the fear, stress, and pain for parents of babies, toddlers, and school children who get similar news. So thank you again for helping. Dennis”
  • maureen pulia
    “To the most kind and generous person. Four wheels move the person, two wheels move the soul. Now go and kick Cancer’s butt for Kids! Be safe!”
    Received this donation 103 days ago
    Dennis O'Brien
    “Thank you for supporting the children who are victims of this horrible disease. Your generosity will make a difference. Oh, yeah, and thanks for being my mentor. Dennis”
  • Anonymous
    Received this donation 109 days ago
    Dennis O'Brien
    “Dear Anonymous: Thank you for your kind donation. It is much appreciated. Dennis”
  • Anonymous
    Received this donation 100 days ago
  • Fawn Campos
    “Great job Dennis! You are such an inspiration. Keep on riding.”
    Received this donation 85 days ago
    Dennis O'Brien
    “Thank you, Fawn. It is your family I think of every year when I do this. Especially this year. May your family reap the benefits of the research partially funded by this fundraiser. Dennis”
  • Kathy Maniates
    Received this donation 103 days ago
    Dennis O'Brien
    “Kathy, thank you so much! Statistically, Conor and I were not the only cancer survivors who were riding in Norway. It effects so, so many of us. I choose to fundraise for the children it attacks, they deserve the right to experience all of the joys we have had the privilege to experience. Your donation will help children attain the goal of being cancer-free. Again, thank you. Dennis”
  • Cathy Schwartz
    “Way to go Dennis!!!!”
    Received this donation 88 days ago
    Dennis O'Brien
    “Cathy, thank you very much. Doing this does not give me joy, I wish there were no need, but it gives me satisfaction knowing I in this way am helping in a very small way, Hopefully, with tens of thousands of others, we are helping in a larger way, through your generosity.”
  • Jim Riley
    Received this donation 103 days ago
    Dennis O'Brien
    “Thanks, Jim, much appreciated. And giving on Tuesday, National Kick Cancer's Butt Day, meant that 83.92% of your donation was matched by a donor who gave $1,500,000.00! Over $1.7M was given yesterday, so the entire $1.5M was donated.”
  • John North
    “Thank you, Dennis!”
    Received this donation 76 days ago
    Dennis O'Brien
    “Thanks, John. I started doing this fundraiser due to an in-law having three childhood cancers. A year later, Conor was diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma. My child had cancer. Despite the fact he was a young adult, I, as a parent, was beside myself. How can parents of small children help children who can't help themselves. Thankfully, Conor is now cancer free, but I continue my small attempt to help eliminate childhood cancer. You have now joined the battle. Again, thank you.”
  • Roger Finnell
    “Just keep pedaling Dennis!”
    Received this donation 119 days ago
    Dennis O'Brien
    “Thank you, Roger! i know you put your sweat (and hopefully not blood and tears) into fundraising yourself, and I hope you get the sense of satisfaction I do out of it. I would note that Conor joined me this month in a week of biking Norway's second largest fjord. It is always satisfying to see him, a fellow cancer survivor, doing so well, but this time he put me to shame. Since we were doing daily ascents of 2,500 to 3,000 feet, he agreed an e-bike might be in order. Neither he nor Sophie ever turned theirs on. I tried keeping mine on the lowest setting on ascents, but confess it got to stage 2 or 3 of 5 at times. Keep on cycling, my friend.”
  • Roger Smith
    “Keep up the good work Dennis.”
    Received this donation 101 days ago
    Dennis O'Brien
    “Thank you, Roger. I started doing this in 2019, a year before my child, the irrepressible Conor, was diagnosed with Hodgkins Lymphoma. The blow of having an adult son get cancer truly brought the fear of having a baby or young child suffering from it into sharper focus. So I truly appreciate what you and the others are giving to help the children and their families. Thanks again.”
  • The Mack Family
    “Keep on trucking (riding?) Grandpa Dennis!”
    Received this donation 103 days ago
    Dennis O'Brien
    “I already wrote you a thank you note, and told it to send, but while others are showing up in my dashboard as sent, this one does not, and I would rather say thank you twice than not at all. Thank you to Calvin, and Malcolm, and Kate, and Tony. i shall keep on riding, and hopefully I will get to a couple soccer games later in the month and might get to ride with the boys. Grandpa Dennis”
  • Aidan Gilbert
    Received this donation 122 days ago
    Dennis O'Brien
    “Thank you, Aidan. I'm just glad I was doing this fundraiser before my own child was diagnosed. And research (in his case German research) made his recovery faster and easier.”
  • Betsy O’Brien
    “Keep up the great work, dad!”
    Received this donation 103 days ago
    Dennis O'Brien
    “Betsy, never has work been this much fun. Thank you very much. Dad”
  • Lisa Sims
    “Best of luck! You do an amazing job every year raising money for this very important cause.”
    Received this donation 103 days ago
    Dennis O'Brien
    “Thank you, Lisa! You are helping tens of thousands of young children have hope, and longer lives.”
  • Marjie O'Brien
    “Go Cuz go!”
    Received this donation 103 days ago
    Dennis O'Brien
    “Thanks a lot, cuz! I do appreciate the support for this great cause. Kate's sister-in-law, Tony's sister, has the "cancer gene," having had three different cancers as a child. She is doing well now, but her son has been tested, and he, too, has the cancer gene. Thankfully, Tony was tested for it, and it wasn't passed on to him, and therefore wasn't passed on to Malcolm or Calvin.”
  • Sean OBrien
    “Have a great month riding, dad!!”
    Received this donation 119 days ago
    Dennis O'Brien
    “Sean, thanks. I am happy to report that your cancer surviving brother was kicking ass on our Norway trip. He and Sophie initially shrugged at the offer of e-bikes, as they are in pretty darn good shape, but when advised that daily ascents were 2,500 to 3,000 feet, they decided to rethink their position. One ascent was 6.2 miles long. Some were of pretty severe pitch. I always used the e-bike boost on ascents, usually at the second or third energy level. Of our 15 cyclists, all did it but four. One 60 year old Taiwanese woman is tiny, but a monster. She recently did Pike's Peak in one steady ascent, only slowing slightly to get replacement bottles of water occasionally from her husband. Another is an ultramarathoner, about age 65. The other two were Conor and Sophie. All four of them labored at times, but neither Conor nor Sophie ever turned their bikes on.”
  • Maureen Kennedy
    Received this donation 87 days ago
  • Dennis O'Brien
    “Kicking things off with my own personal donation to fight kids' cancer!”
    Received this donation 186 days ago