• Met some awesome people!
    10 Sep 2024

    I don't remember their names but, let me tell you, they are awesome. I believe they ride to save the kids from Cancer! We love our youth. Without them, how would we continue!? As a species!? The ones out of all of us that have had it the toughest are usually the ones that need to be the strongest. The ones that need to fight urges, to break the rules both of 10 Commandments and "Man" laws 🙄 😑. Personally I believe the 10 come first and one of them is actually to follow the laws of the land. Which is why people end up in Federal Prison these days. I would like to thank everyone who works with me on this, keeping Joy-Fullness and Positive Affirmations in Existence. We, as a species seriously need to start listening to the peace facts more carefully. I need to speak here, many a species just want peace... In-fact, WE all just want PEACE. There's a reason WAR does NOT have to happen. And there's a reason I, personally disagree with it. You see, there comes a time when ancestors have been mistreated for something we didn't want in the first place... And the result is always a much stronger army of GODLY people. Who are aware of the fact that ANGELS exist but they are literal form. Not just spiritual. You see, everything is Spiritually existent. Without this factor, the HIGH POWER wouldn't exist. Stealing and justifying that theft by any means is a SIN, ESPECIALLY WHEN NOTHING WRONG WAS EVER DONE TO YOU IN THE FIRST PLACE. Conversation is a thing to be taken literally, not physically and not CLEPTOMANIACALLY. I am a big believer in TRUTH, and the fact that we all live together as one. E-PLURIBUS-UNUM. This is my truth and I work very hard, I need a break from all of it. So I will continue to work, but not so hard for awhile because I'm getting closer every day. #CANCERAWARENESSMONTH #VETERANSASSOCIATIONSMONTH #ALLLIVESMATTER #ABUSEDBEATENANDSCARED #TIREDOFBEINGSICKANDTIRED

    THANK YOU SO MUCH! for reading this far. I hope you can find the time to donate to my cause. I should be able to accept it as long as you are being peaceful, and please don't rob me...I've had enough threats and #JOKES lately. I just want to live a peaceful life and to stop getting set up and lied about. They're on the job. And #GODBLESSTHETRUEONES I can't say anything for the liars.

    Met some awesome people!
    Posted 8 days ago
  • Grandfather died of 10 types of Colon Cancer.
    6 Sep 2024

    Hello, first off I would like to thank you for taking the time to read this BLOG.

    Let's get started. So, I was about 19 when I discovered my grandfather had cancer and it took the whole family by storm. Within a year he was gone. My mother, especially was hurt by this loss. I remember the last thing I got to say to my "G-pa" it was something like this. [Hey, G-pa, Yes, who's that, Joshua? Yeah, it's me, Grandpa. What is it? Well, Grandpa, do you forgive me? And he said "Yes Of course I do" I had stolen some things from my grandparents when I was a young kid and sold them for money for WEED. I learned the lesson of a lifetime from that one. I still miss him dearly, but, I was forgiven. I know that he still visits and it lights my soul to feel him do so. The moral of the story here is, don't take your loved ones for granted because, when you hurt, so do they.

    Posted 11 days ago