• Level 2 Ride
    3 Sep 2024

    Since the bike is in the shop and I pushed myself yesterday with the HIIT work out, I did a level 2 ride for an hour with a 5 minute cool down.

    Hopefully this training will make those climbs easier.

    Level 2 Ride
    Posted 14 days ago
  • Bikes in the Shop :(
    2 Sep 2024

    My bike is in the shop for a tune-up. Not only did I need my front innertube replaced, but I needed everything replaced. I needed a new chain, new rubber on the rim brakes, new cables, new everything.

    Oh, well. I did an HIIT workout today on an indoor bike to build strength. Going uphill sucked yesterday.

    Bikes in the Shop :(
    Posted 15 days ago
  • First Ride cut Short
    1 Sep 2024

    I wanted to start the first ride of the month exploring Golden Gate Park and riding off road. Well, unfortunately, my ride ended short due to a punctured innertube. I didn't realize that the front tire wasn't holding any air when I fixed up my bike on Friday. Whoops. Oh well. It's a long month. I'll just enjoy the view.

    First Ride cut Short
    Posted 16 days ago