• Ride #3
    5 Sep 2024

    Today I completed a 9 mile ride and 1mile cooldown. I’ll have to wake up early for a ride tomorrow as we’re heading to NY for the weekend and I don’t know how or where I can fit in a ride.

    We will get it done for the kids! Thank you all for the support. ❤️❤️

    Oh and if you want to follow me on Peloton my leaderboard name is Liz_is_Present ✌🏼

    Ride #3
    Posted 2 days ago
  • Ride #2 completed!
    3 Sep 2024

    Today was a peloton low impact ride but that does not mean that I didn’t work. 30 minutes and 8.35 miles completed, this was also my 800th ride with peloton. 🥳

    Thank you to everyone sharing, following along, and donating to this amazing cause! ❤️❤️

    Ride #2 completed!
    Posted 4 days ago
  • First ride!
    2 Sep 2024

    I did a quick 10km ride today. Finding time while kids are home and not going too hard due to an injury make it a little more challenging to get in the miles but it’s not as challenging as what kids with cancer have to face daily. Thanks for your support and joining me on this journey this September.

    First ride!
    Posted 5 days ago