• Allie Update 📰 👨🏼‍🏫
    25 Jul 2024

    It's Thursday, July 25th, and we've received an update on Allie. We now go to Grandma, what can you tell us this morning?

    Allie is doing fine. Her count shot up to 1300! She was able to have her spinal and treatment. The photo here is from this morning in the recovery room. They were waiting for her to wake up. When I first got the photo I almost cried. Just broke my heart for her. But then I was so happy because God got her count up for her to be able to get the treatment! Amen. Still wish she didn’t have to go through this, but so very thankful for all of your prayers and support on her behalf!

    Thank you!

    Allie Update 📰 👨🏼‍🏫
    Posted 1 day ago
  • Allie's visit to Make A Wish
    20 Jun 2024

    Allie update 6/19/24:

    Allie and her parents went to meet the Make a Wish group today. They will be getting a trip to Disney World!!! Sounds like they really do some special things for the kids they choose. God has truly blessed her and her family through this journey! The trip has to wait for a while. She has to be into the maintenance portion of her treatment. But she was excited! You can tell in the photos. Labs are tomorrow. If numbers are good she will have chemo Friday. We all truly appreciate your prayers for her and the family!!

    Allie's visit to Make A Wish
    Posted 37 days ago
  • Awesome plate for Allie!
    20 Jun 2024

    Grandma is just thrilled to pieces to finally share her new license plate. Massive tears when the girl said this was available!

    Awesome plate for Allie!
    Posted 37 days ago
  • 👨🏼‍🎤 TODAY'S ALLIE UPDATE -- FRIDAY MAY 17, 2024
    17 May 2024

    Allie slept a little bit today. I think yesterday caught up with her a bit. She wouldn’t eat dinner. They said to expect her appetite to be affected. She got her first shot at home tonight. She cried, but calmed quickly daddy said.

    Please pray for her appetite, for her to handle the shots better, protection from illness and her count to stay up. They are expecting her to possibly need a transfusion with this treatment. Her little body needs to stay strong.


    👨🏼‍🎤 TODAY'S ALLIE UPDATE -- FRIDAY MAY 17, 2024
    Posted 70 days ago
  • Allie update 4/24 -- Our girl has been admitted 8-(
    24 Apr 2024

    Grandma got the text late last night that our girl was admitted. Please pray for all of them. My heart is broken that I cannot be there.

    Here is what Trevor Whatton posted last night:

    “Unfortunately Allie has been admitted to the hospital due to repeated fevers and a low ANC blood count. They say this stay will be at a minimum 48 hours but with how her numbers have been declining they think it might be longer. I'll post another update once we know more. Thank you for all your donations we really appreciate it!”

    Allie update 4/24 -- Our girl has been admitted 8-(
    Posted 93 days ago
  • 👨🏼‍🏫 Here's the Allie Update from Friday April 5th
    6 Apr 2024

    Our girl had a crazy day. Fever came on and hit the mark where they have to take her in. They thought she might be admitted, but thank God, they checked her out and she was allowed to go home! AND her count was back up to 650!!!! Not high enough for treatment tomorrow, so they will check her again on Monday and if ANC is high enough, she will have treatment on Tuesday. Please continue to pray for her count and strength. And pray she is totally healed from this disease. Thank you so much.

    That smile just melts my heart.

    👨🏼‍🏫 Here's the Allie Update from Friday April 5th
    Posted 111 days ago
  • First fundraising meal of 2024!
    20 Mar 2024

    👨🏼‍💻 THIS JUST IN 👨🏼‍🏫

    The first fundraising meal of the year will be Thursday March 28th at On The Border

    (Barnes and Powers location)

    from 11am to 9pm

    On The Border has been a great partner in the fight to end kids cancer, and cannot wait to see all of our supporters for this first meal of the year!

    Remember to mention Great Cycle Challenge when ordering, and 20% of every ticket will be donated (excluding alcohol)

    See everyone there ヾ⁠(⁠*⁠’⁠O⁠’⁠*⁠)⁠/

    First fundraising meal of 2024!
    Posted 128 days ago
  • Allie Update 3/13 -- Look at that snazzy walker!
    13 Mar 2024

    Allie went to school today and did good, but was a bit tired. They got her walker all set up and ready. This will help with her legs a lot. Please pray for her numbers to be good Thursday for treatment Friday. Pray for strength, protection and healing. Thank you all so much

    Allie Update 3/13 -- Look at that snazzy walker!
    Posted 135 days ago
  • The Allie Update -- 2/24/24
    24 Feb 2024

    👨🏼‍🏫 IT'S SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 24TH, 2024...

    Allie had her treatment today, and she was a little scared she told me, but I told her that was ok! She did good! She also got her braces yesterday, for her to wear when she’s sitting or laying down. They have also decided they want her to wear leg braces when she’s walking, for stability and comfort. She should get those in a week or so. The family was given a wheelchair to use at school, so she can save her leg strength for recess 😃

    Trevor is also going to look into a walker, which would be much easier for her to use.

    She’s always got a smile, doesn’t she?! Please keep praying for protection from illness. Pray that this treatment doesn’t cause her any issues and for complete healing.

    All of you who pray are such a blessing, you have no clue! Thank you from the bottom of my heart.


    The Allie Update -- 2/24/24
    Posted 153 days ago
  • 2/15 Allie’s a cutie patootie!
    19 Feb 2024

    The Allie update:

    Yesterday our girl started PT for her legs. She had a pretty good day today! I forgot to post her Valentines photo so you get two tonight!

    Please pray her legs get stronger and that the pain goes away. Pray for her to tolerate the treatment and for total healing.

    Thank you all so much

    2/15 Allie’s a cutie patootie!
    Posted 158 days ago