Rex Saffer

Rex Saffer
In memory of Brayden John Chandler, 3 years old. Please support my challenge to fight kids' cancer. Kids should be living their lives, not fighting for them.
I've Ridden 0.0 mi ? My goal is 300 mi
My Rankings
  • National: N/A
  • State: N/A in PA
I've raised $0 My goal is $7,500 Donate Now

I'm Riding For

Brayden John Chandler

My Story

17 May 2024

Friends and Family,

This year, I am again taking part in the Great Cycle Challenge (GCC) to fight kids' cancer! This will be my fourth consecutive year to take up the Challenge, in which we set mileage and donation goals for the month of September. Our fundraising provides vital support (literally vital!) for the Children's Cancer Research Fund, a highly rated national foundation.

Why? Because right now, cancer is the biggest killer of children from disease in the United States. Over 15,700 children are diagnosed every year, and sadly, 38 children die of cancer every week. One of these was my 3–year old step–grandson Brayden, who died of Wilms' Tumor, the most common form of childhood kidney cancer. Most kids with Wilms that get an early diagnosis go on to survive and lead normal lives. Brayden never got that chance.

In 2023, the National Cancer Institute earmarked about $300 million for pediatric cancer research. That sounds like a huge investment, but it was only 4% of a total budget of over $7.7 billiion! This is an abomination. For this year's Challenge, I have made the first donation of $500. Please join me by making a generous donation of your own to support the Children's Cancer Research Fund and give these kids the brighter futures they deserve. Kids should be living their lives, not fighting for them.

I rode 271 miles and raised $178 in 2021, 304 miles and $2,034 in 2022, 361 miles and $6,869 in 2023. This year I will try to coax 375 miles out of my aging, delapidated body. The rest depends on you! I have set a goal of $7,500 and hope you will help me to reach or even exceed it.

Thank you so much,


My Legacy

Here's my personal impact over 5 years to fight kids' cancer and save little lives.
  • 271 mi Ridden
  • 304 mi Ridden
    $2,034 Raised
  • 361 mi Ridden
    $6,869 Raised
  • Ridden
937 mi
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