Thomas Waldren

Thomas Waldren
I am riding 200 mi in memory of my friend, Gus the Warrior. Please sponsor me and support my challenge to fight kids' cancer and save little lives.
I've Ridden 0.0 mi ? My goal is 200 mi
My Rankings
  • National: N/A
  • State: N/A in MN
I've raised $0 My goal is $200 Donate Now

I'm Riding For

Gus the Warrior

Gus the Warrior

From Gus' Mom - Gus has fought stage IV neuroblastoma for over three years. He has gone through almost every treatment that is available to kids and it isn’t enough. The treatment is harsh on their bodies and really takes a toll over time. Our kids deserve better treatments. They deserve cures. Funding childhood cancer research is a way you can help! The government doesn’t provide a lot of money for childhood cancer research so it’s up to us to help our kids. Please join Tom in helping him fund childhood cancer research. Our family thanks you for it!

My Story

27 Aug 2022

Meet Augustus. Gus. Augustus the Warrior. The strongest fighter I have ever known.

Some of you know that I have ridden for Gus the last 2 Summers. Gus has been a real trooper and a true Warrior throughout his battles.

Gus had been doing very well with his treatments, but has hit another major roadblock, and is back to fighting another major battle.

Gus has been fiercely and bravely fighting the biggest battles of his life, one that no child should ever have to endure.

But Gus truly is a Warrior. Through all of his chemo, labwork, radiation, poking and prodding, Gus continues to show that bright, beautiful smile, even on bad days.

I have accepted the Great Cycle Challenge, for my buddy Gus again this year, and ask that you consider a donation to to this wonderful cause, so that we can find a cure the beast that Gus battles every day.

It is my goal to ride 100 miles in the month of September, for Gus and his wonderful family. And for Gus' battle buddies, fighting the same war as he is.

Thank you for your consideration, and God Bless Gus!

My Legacy

Here's my personal impact over 7 years to fight kids' cancer and save little lives.
  • 143 mi Ridden
  • 268 mi Ridden
  • 201 mi Ridden
    $755 Raised
  • 154 mi Ridden
    $953 Raised
  • 108 mi Ridden
    $511 Raised
  • Ridden
874 mi
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