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Rank Name Raised
351st Mighty Steppers Mighty Steppers $132
Members of Mighty Steppers
7758th Kelly Menefee Kelly Menefee $66
7758th Robin Menefee Robin Menefee $66
N/A Dragon Kois Dragon Kois $0
Members of Dragon Kois
N/A Janika Hodge Janika Hodge $0
353rd Ben's Peloton Ben's Peloton $52
Members of Ben's Peloton
7878th Benjamin Bourgeois Benjamin Bourgeois $52
354th Roselani+ Liev Roselani+ Liev $94
Members of Roselani+ Liev
8086th Liev Reed Liev Reed $50
8183rd Roselani Goehring Roselani Goehring $44
355th NineOneThicccs NineOneThicccs $251
Members of NineOneThicccs
5696th Rob Duran Rob Duran $251
N/A Baltimore Blu’s Baltimore Blu’s $0
Members of Baltimore Blu’s
N/A Alex Barahona Alex Barahona $0
357th Handlebar Hooligans Handlebar Hooligans $127
Members of Handlebar Hooligans
6736th Allie Simonin Allie Simonin $127
N/A Alexa Morlier Alexa Morlier $0
N/A Carlee Roberts Carlee Roberts $0
N/A Mackenzie Morgan Mackenzie Morgan $0
358th Family Matters Family Matters $1,324
Members of Family Matters
1354th Frankie White Frankie White $1,324
N/A Kelly Coleman-Jack Kelly Coleman-Jack $0
359th Team Kimber Team Kimber $26
Members of Team Kimber
8820th Stephen Okker Stephen Okker $26
360th GymNutz GymNutz $457
Members of GymNutz
4731st Fabricio Breeze Olsson Fabricio Breeze Olsson $457
361st Speed away from cancer for the little. Speed away from cancer for the little. $25
Members of Speed away from cancer for the little.
8952nd Frank David Johnson Frank David Johnson $25
362nd Logan's Heros Logan's Heros $309
Members of Logan's Heros
5313th Edward DeLaura Edward DeLaura $309
N/A Raechell Wilson Raechell Wilson $0
363rd W. Ky. Peddlers W. Ky. Peddlers $659
Members of W. Ky. Peddlers
3140th Paul Duncan Paul Duncan $659
364th Angels of the city Angels of the city $104
Members of Angels of the city
7016th Skyler Alexander Skyler Alexander $104
365th Janesville plus Janesville plus $115
Members of Janesville plus
6897th Lyn Gust Lyn Gust $115
366th Family First Family First $20
Members of Family First
9164th Hector Ramos Jr. Hector Ramos Jr. $20
367th In Jesses Honor In Jesses Honor $136
Members of In Jesses Honor
6637th Amber Moore Amber Moore $136
N/A Matt Moore Matt Moore $0
368th DJ’s Dudes DJ’s Dudes $526
Members of DJ’s Dudes
4066th Brian VanName Brian VanName $526
369th Cyclers Fighting Cancer Cyclers Fighting Cancer $87
Members of Cyclers Fighting Cancer
7428th Aaron Miller Aaron Miller $87
370th KickCButt SA KickCButt SA $145
Members of KickCButt SA
6541st Barry Bridges Barry Bridges $145
N/A Jack Frost Jack Frost $0
371st Retired GIrl Retired GIrl $62
Members of Retired GIrl
7779th Debbie Short Debbie Short $62
372nd Great and Amazing Zach Great and Amazing Zach $567
Members of Great and Amazing Zach
3760th Robin Barr Robin Barr $567
373rd Shreveport Mudbugs Shreveport Mudbugs $204
Members of Shreveport Mudbugs
6042nd John Foster John Foster $204
374th Team Swiss Team Swiss $1,459
Members of Team Swiss
2354th Robert Swistun Robert Swistun $875
5917th Kathleen Casler Kathleen Casler $221
6700th Hail Swistun Hail Swistun $129
6700th Julia Swistun Julia Swistun $129
375th ACE ACE $429
Members of ACE
4804th Aaron Cheely Aaron Cheely $429
376th Vicktory Vicktory $26
Members of Vicktory
8820th Taylor Vick Taylor Vick $26
377th #PaigesPosse #PaigesPosse $160
Members of #PaigesPosse
6394th Phil Wojcinski Phil Wojcinski $160
N/A Matt Pietscher Matt Pietscher $0
N/A Johnny Cycles Johnny Cycles $0
Members of Johnny Cycles
N/A Johnny Foreman Johnny Foreman $0
379th iNNerG iNNerG $1
Members of iNNerG
9458th Kevin Hayes Kevin Hayes $1
380th Ben’s Army Ben’s Army $155
Members of Ben’s Army
N/A Meghan Lawlor Meghan Lawlor $0
381st Golumpki on a stick Golumpki on a stick $501
Members of Golumpki on a stick
4514th James Slupski James Slupski $501
382nd Pedal Pushers Pedal Pushers $77
Members of Pedal Pushers
N/A Psilocybin Psilocybin $0
Members of Psilocybin
N/A Amirtha Hariharan Amirtha Hariharan $0
384th Break the Cycle Break the Cycle $72
Members of Break the Cycle
7523rd Yehuda Goldbloom Yehuda Goldbloom $72
385th Warriors Warriors $102
Members of Warriors
7198th Taylor Moore Taylor Moore $102
N/A AdiAniRiders AdiAniRiders $0
Members of AdiAniRiders
N/A AdityaAnika Rao AdityaAnika Rao $0
387th The_Fighters The_Fighters $272
Members of The_Fighters
5543rd Boyan Berry Boyan Berry $272
388th FLX rhiner riders FLX rhiner riders $238
Members of FLX rhiner riders
5787th Carisa White Carisa White $238
N/A Holland Taylor Holland Taylor $0
389th Seraphims Seraphims $88
Members of Seraphims
7393rd Kevin Serafin Kevin Serafin $88
N/A The croutons The croutons $0
Members of The croutons
N/A Nes Croteau Nes Croteau $0
391st BreakingWind BreakingWind $227
Members of BreakingWind
5878th Christopher John Christopher John $227
392nd Chitown Cycling Chitown Cycling $506
Members of Chitown Cycling
4341st Ruthie Delwiche Ruthie Delwiche $506
N/A Joseph Fox Joseph Fox $0
393rd The hooligans The hooligans $702
Members of The hooligans
2969th Aaron Hollaback Aaron Hollaback $702
N/A OBX to NY Pedal Party OBX to NY Pedal Party $0
Members of OBX to NY Pedal Party
N/A Ashley Dashiell Ashley Dashiell $0
N/A Paulette Benz Paulette Benz $0
N/A kW for a Cure kW for a Cure $0
Members of kW for a Cure
396th Riding friends Riding friends $36
Members of Riding friends
8247th Deena Williams Deena Williams $36
N/A Tommy Cobb Tommy Cobb $0
397th Angel Wings Angel Wings $10
Members of Angel Wings
9250th Sheila Moon Sheila Moon $10
398th CLP2024 CLP2024 $556
Members of CLP2024
N/A Leonard Rhett Leonard Rhett $0
N/A Ben Ben $0
Members of Ben
N/A Ben Steffen Ben Steffen $0
N/A Ben Steffen Ben Steffen $0
400th BLKC4T BLKC4T $52
Members of BLKC4T
7878th Annie Adamson Annie Adamson $52