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Rank Name Raised
551st Happy Happy $38
Members of Happy
8225th Carolina Schweizer Carolina Schweizer $38
N/A Stacey Savage Stacey Savage $0
N/A Steven Schweizer Steven Schweizer $0
552nd Team Nat Team Nat $1,669
Members of Team Nat
2552nd Ami Dyrek Ami Dyrek $666
4426th Juliette Weier-Rauscher Juliette Weier-Rauscher $503
4575th Kathy Weier Kathy Weier $500
553rd No Drama Llamas No Drama Llamas $1,449
Members of No Drama Llamas
1207th Charles Sekafetz Charles Sekafetz $1,449
554th pompi nice pompi nice $196
Members of pompi nice
7522nd prisilla diaz prisilla diaz $72
555th Team IES New Mexico Team IES New Mexico $253
Members of Team IES New Mexico
6698th Frank Trujillo Frank Trujillo $129
N/A Vincent Trujillo Vincent Trujillo $0
556th The wheelie girls The wheelie girls $2,032
Members of The wheelie girls
1509th Gayle Phillips Gayle Phillips $1,223
2623rd Stacy Stuart-Wilson Stacy Stuart-Wilson $778
8772nd Deanne Addy Deanne Addy $31
N/A Adriana Lek Adriana Lek $0
557th Team CMC Team CMC $160
Members of Team CMC
6392nd C. Bradford Banks C. Bradford Banks $160
558th RIDE-not-DIE RIDE-not-DIE $505
Members of RIDE-not-DIE
6748th Oswashane Fletcher Oswashane Fletcher $124
8997th Tabitha Fletcher Tabitha Fletcher $21
N/A Breaking Wind Breaking Wind $0
Members of Breaking Wind
N/A Megan Gmach Megan Gmach $0
560th RadRiders RadRiders $1,342
Members of RadRiders
4764th Rafael Serrato Rafael Serrato $445
4793rd Lynn Serrato Lynn Serrato $434
561st Sumando Millas al Cielo Sumando Millas al Cielo $83
Members of Sumando Millas al Cielo
7448th Hugo Alvarez Hugo Alvarez $83
562nd Sister Pedal Power Sister Pedal Power $2,143
Members of Sister Pedal Power
1415th Shelley Smith Shelley Smith $1,278
2379th Judith Ilisha Field Judith Ilisha Field $865
563rd Impact Performance Fitness Impact Performance Fitness $368
Members of Impact Performance Fitness
5044th Amanda West Amanda West $368
N/A Harley Christopher Parvin Harley Christopher Parvin $0
564th BOS RUNS 🚴🏿💨 BOS RUNS 🚴🏿💨 $359
Members of BOS RUNS 🚴🏿💨
5082nd Jamal Hope Jamal Hope $359
N/A Mav Magloire Mav Magloire $0
565th Lee Bros Cycle Worx Lee Bros Cycle Worx $680
Members of Lee Bros Cycle Worx
5040th Daniel Lee Daniel Lee $369
5299th Steve Lee Steve Lee $311
566th Sescilla Riders Sescilla Riders $320
Members of Sescilla Riders
7489th Laura Waggoner Sescilla Laura Waggoner Sescilla $77
N/A Cody Sescilla Cody Sescilla $0
567th Jeff’s Jolly riders Jeff’s Jolly riders $187
Members of Jeff’s Jolly riders
6205th Jeff Rhein Jeff Rhein $187
568th TOMR TOMR $20
Members of TOMR
8022nd Tomas Ospina Tomas Ospina $20
N/A Maria Restrepo Maria Restrepo $0
569th Aged to Perfection Aged to Perfection $725
Members of Aged to Perfection
3011th Karen Bray Karen Bray $689
570th Long shot Long shot $250
Members of Long shot
5708th Celestino Arellano Celestino Arellano $250
571st Charmaine Groat Charmaine Groat $268
Members of Charmaine Groat
5562nd Charmaine Lestelle Groat Charmaine Lestelle Groat $268
572nd Mackey Clan Mackey Clan $336
Members of Mackey Clan
5189th Brian Mackey Brian Mackey $336
573rd Can’t spell team without meat Can’t spell team without meat $676
Members of Can’t spell team without meat
3454th Andrew Marchegiano-smith Andrew Marchegiano-smith $609
7713th Stefanie Marchegiano Stefanie Marchegiano $67
574th Volcano Riders Volcano Riders $521
Members of Volcano Riders
4119th Betsy Brown Betsy Brown $521
575th Brodersen Brodersen $732
Members of Brodersen
2826th Brock Brodersen Brock Brodersen $732
N/A Thomas Brodersen Thomas Brodersen $0
576th Jered Jered $1,022
Members of Jered
1977th Jered royan Jered royan $1,022
577th Cycle Social Cycle Social $1,253
Members of Cycle Social
1451st Michael Igno Michael Igno $1,253
N/A Alejandro Cabello Alejandro Cabello $0
N/A Juan Markus Zavala Juan Markus Zavala $0
578th Fun cycle gang Fun cycle gang $587
Members of Fun cycle gang
3616th Erica Eastwood Erica Eastwood $587
579th Kingdom Cyclers Kingdom Cyclers $43
Members of Kingdom Cyclers
8185th Chris Nagel Chris Nagel $43
580th Team Dolly Team Dolly $2,663
Members of Team Dolly
528th Ellie Brenner Ellie Brenner $2,663
581st GFC GFC $1,428
Members of GFC
1292nd Jeffrey Dunn Jeffrey Dunn $1,367
8952nd David Flinton David Flinton $25
582nd Pedalmates Pedalmates $171
Members of Pedalmates
6642nd Lavanya Vijayaraghavan Lavanya Vijayaraghavan $135
N/A abarnaa balakrishnan abarnaa balakrishnan $0
N/A Vasudha Gadhiraju Vasudha Gadhiraju $0
583rd Minnesota motivators Minnesota motivators $539
Members of Minnesota motivators
3954th Wilbert Kako Wilbert Kako $539
N/A Kevin Montenegro Kevin Montenegro $0
584th Hill Family Hill Family $1,552
Members of Hill Family
2159th Audrey Hill Audrey Hill $958
3563rd Hannah Hill Hannah Hill $594
585th Holy Spokes! Holy Spokes! $1,411
Members of Holy Spokes!
1949th Katie Pelletier Katie Pelletier $1,032
5001st Austin Canova Austin Canova $379
586th David Coy David Coy $104
Members of David Coy
7015th David Coy David Coy $104
587th The Journey The Journey $500
Members of The Journey
4575th Chris Davis Chris Davis $500
588th Zuzus Pedals Zuzus Pedals $4,968
Members of Zuzus Pedals
226th Eric Martin Eric Martin $4,206
2702nd Jim Fry Jim Fry $762
589th 401 For Life 401 For Life $745
Members of 401 For Life
2774th Stig Ravdal Stig Ravdal $745
590th Pedals for Pipsqueaks Pedals for Pipsqueaks $1,013
Members of Pedals for Pipsqueaks
4262nd Amber Hammond Amber Hammond $511
4462nd Cody Hammond Cody Hammond $502
591st RAD Riders for Cancer RAD Riders for Cancer $751
Members of RAD Riders for Cancer
2750th David Moody David Moody $751
592nd Team Townsend Team Townsend $2,532
Members of Team Townsend
763rd John Townsend John Townsend $2,113
5087th Barbara Townsend Barbara Townsend $357
593rd Freddie's Fighters Freddie's Fighters $1,795
Members of Freddie's Fighters
1951st Terri Zimmerle Terri Zimmerle $1,031
2800th Michael O'Neill Michael O'Neill $738
594th Gravel texmex Gravel texmex $574
Members of Gravel texmex
3705th Oscar Ontiveros Oscar Ontiveros $574
595th Team Edwin Team Edwin $3,085
Members of Team Edwin
413th Lukas Torres Lukas Torres $3,085
596th C Riders C Riders $788
Members of C Riders
2589th Colleen Henderson Colleen Henderson $788
597th Barking  Bikers Barking Bikers $2,500
Members of Barking Bikers
1329th Taylor Chenevert Taylor Chenevert $1,335
1708th Jesse Aho Jesse Aho $1,119
9250th Tara Carter Tara Carter $10
598th Det 3 Det 3 $2,006
Members of Det 3
843rd Charles Henderson Charles Henderson $1,928
8820th Brittany Dragan Brittany Dragan $26
N/A Aaron Parra Aaron Parra $0
N/A Juan Zarate Juan Zarate $0
N/A Kevin Gamez Kevin Gamez $0
N/A Markus Elsbernd Markus Elsbernd $0
N/A Michael Greisman Michael Greisman $0
N/A Po Tuala Po Tuala $0
N/A Tyson Tran Tyson Tran $0
599th Tally Fitness Warriors Tally Fitness Warriors $544
Members of Tally Fitness Warriors
3925th Aubrey Lingley Aubrey Lingley $544
600th Marvels Marvels $20
Members of Marvels
9250th Faizan Tariq Faizan Tariq $10
N/A Sohail Sarfaraz Sohail Sarfaraz $0