
Browse the full list of riders below.

Rank Name Raised
N/A Matthew Corrao Matthew Corrao 8 years $0
4341st Kenneth Dishman Kenneth Dishman 9 years $506
2579th John Gist John Gist 7 years $791
77th Sandy Lutz Sandy Lutz 8 years $6,952
4575th Peter Smetana Peter Smetana 4 years $500
4904th David Freeman David Freeman 7 years $112
6113th Holly Covington Holly Covington 8 years $198
3360th Tom Snyder Tom Snyder 1 years $623
1400th Eduardo Blanchet Eduardo Blanchet 2 years $1,296
1245th Eric Onesto Eric Onesto 4 years $1,411
34th Ray Madaia Ray Madaia 5 years $10,851
2286th Richard Scott Richard Scott 3 years $901
517th David Jerome Blake David Jerome Blake 5 years $2,694
2661st John Gratton John Gratton 6 years $771
2079th Peter Duggan Peter Duggan 3 years $1,002
1403rd Daniella Titone Daniella Titone 4 years $1,293
526th jason hall jason hall 5 years $2,674
2049th James Mann James Mann 2 years $1,005
3772nd Patrick Duggan Patrick Duggan 4 years $565
610th Bruce Barrett Bruce Barrett 6 years $2,519