Christina Chiarillo

Christina Chiarillo
I am riding 100+ mi for For Children Everywhere & in memory of my great Uncle. I welcome you to join my efforts so we can make a difference!
I've Ridden 0.0 mi ? My goal is 100 mi
My Rankings
  • National: N/A
  • State: N/A in FL
  • My Team: N/A
I've raised $0 My goal is $2,500 Donate Now

I'm Riding For

For Children Everywhere & My great Uncle

Bigger than life and so quickly taken. Miss you so much <3

My Story

28 Jun 2024

Every September, I embark on a journey of resilience and hope by participating in The Great Cycling Challenge. This commitment stems from my personal battle with flu and COVID-19 in March 2019, which resulted in hospitalization and a challenging recovery period. During this time, even a simple walk down my street seemed like an insurmountable task.

However, as the leaves began to change with the arrival of autumn, so did my determination to regain my strength. Upon consultation with my doctor, cycling was suggested as a beneficial activity. To keep myself accountable and motivated, I discovered The Great Cycling Challenge and have been an active participant ever since.

This September, my participation takes on a deeper meaning as I ride to combat childhood cancer, a cause that resonates deeply with me. Childhood cancer is the leading cause of death due to illness among children in the United States. Each year, over 15,700 children are diagnosed with cancer, and tragically, approximately 38 children lose their battle with this disease every week.

Children should be living their lives to the fullest, not fighting for their lives.

In response to this, I am raising funds through this challenge to support these brave young warriors and aid the Children's Cancer Research Fund in their mission to develop life-saving treatments and ultimately, find a cure for childhood cancer. I also ride in honor of my loved ones who have lost someone to cancer, regardless of their age.

I kindly ask for your support in this endeavor. Your donation can help these children have a brighter future and make a significant difference in their lives.

I appreciate your support.

My Legacy

Here's my personal impact over 4 years to fight kids' cancer and save little lives.
  • 459 mi Ridden
    $349 Raised
  • Ridden
  • 154 mi Ridden
    $206 Raised
612 mi

My Challenge

  • September 2024 is Just Around the Corner!
    28 Jun 2024

    This September, I'm embracing the Gifts of the Holy Spirit through my participation in The Great Cycling Challenge. My journey mirrors the gift of **Fortitude**, as I continue to recover from my health battle in 2019 and cycle for a cause. I'm channeling the gift of **Understanding** as I ride to combat childhood cancer, a devastating illness affecting children in the U.S.

    The act of raising funds for the Children's Cancer Research Fund reflects the gift of **Charity**, as we strive together to develop life-saving treatments and find a cure. The gift of **Wisdom** is evident as I honor those close to me who have lost someone to cancer, acknowledging the profound impact of their loss.

    Your support in this endeavor can be a testament to the gift of **Piety**, showing reverence for the sanctity of these young lives. Together, we can make a significant difference. Thank you for your support. Your contribution is a true reflection of the Holy Spirit's gifts at work.

    September 2024 is Just Around the Corner!
    Posted 2 days ago
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