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Rank Name Raised
501st Ladyga Ladyga $330
Members of Ladyga
5911th Chris LADYGA Chris LADYGA $222
7448th Nick Ladyga Nick Ladyga $83
8952nd Dylan Cote Dylan Cote $25
502nd Black House Gallery Black House Gallery $32
Members of Black House Gallery
8770th David Francisco David Francisco $32
503rd Flying Turtles Flying Turtles $203
Members of Flying Turtles
6052nd Cheri Porter Cheri Porter $203
N/A Casey Rhodes Casey Rhodes $0
504th Cool Riders Cool Riders $3,596
Members of Cool Riders
319th Pete Grasso Pete Grasso $3,539
7828th Darshan Shinde Darshan Shinde $57
505th DTshredzMTB DTshredzMTB $77
Members of DTshredzMTB
7489th Damien Murphy Damien Murphy $77
N/A Nick Slack Nick Slack $0
N/A Cycle for cancer Cycle for cancer $0
Members of Cycle for cancer
N/A John Bowman John Bowman $0
N/A SaravanaSudhan Rajendran SaravanaSudhan Rajendran $0
507th The Wheel Deal The Wheel Deal $1,136
Members of The Wheel Deal
2448th Brandon Mueser Brandon Mueser $838
5384th Pete Lubawski Pete Lubawski $298
508th Noah Strong Noah Strong $817
Members of Noah Strong
4892nd Joyce Shellem Joyce Shellem $404
9234th Bryon Fertenbaugh Bryon Fertenbaugh $200
N/A Compassionate wheels Compassionate wheels $0
Members of Compassionate wheels
N/A Jordan Matthew May Jordan Matthew May $0
N/A David Hurd David Hurd $0
Members of David Hurd
N/A David Hurd David Hurd $0
511th Team Oldsmar Cares Team Oldsmar Cares $104
Members of Team Oldsmar Cares
7015th Eric Ayala Eric Ayala $104
512th Boise Bikers Boise Bikers $1,261
Members of Boise Bikers
1483rd Garth Blazzard Garth Blazzard $1,235
8820th Hunter Robertson Hunter Robertson $26
513th Mm services Mm services $26
Members of Mm services
8820th Matthew Herbage Matthew Herbage $26
514th Traveling Pilkeys Traveling Pilkeys $2,061
Members of Traveling Pilkeys
1884th Dan Pilkey Dan Pilkey $1,048
2007th Sandy Pilkey Sandy Pilkey $1,013
N/A T Lymphocyte Guardians T Lymphocyte Guardians $0
Members of T Lymphocyte Guardians
N/A Matthew Cannon Matthew Cannon $0
N/A Robert McGill Robert McGill $0
516th Handle Bars for Hope Handle Bars for Hope $7,385
Members of Handle Bars for Hope
167th Mark Plansinis Mark Plansinis $4,823
1510th Karen Coucke Karen Coucke $1,222
1730th Jason Bean Jason Bean $1,112
517th Seeking Vistas Cycling Seeking Vistas Cycling $306
Members of Seeking Vistas Cycling
6060th Raquel Noriega Raquel Noriega $202
7015th Rriel Noriega Rriel Noriega $104
518th Bike around and find out Bike around and find out $942
Members of Bike around and find out
4027th Tyler Ponce Tyler Ponce $530
4859th Lufailio Lapaix Lufailio Lapaix $412
N/A DeAzjaah Woodson DeAzjaah Woodson $0
N/A Scott Coburn Scott Coburn $0
N/A Trinidad Cyclists Against Cancer Trinidad Cyclists Against Cancer $0
Members of Trinidad Cyclists Against Cancer
N/A Tim Saffold Tim Saffold $0
N/A Jesus take the wheel Jesus take the wheel $0
Members of Jesus take the wheel
N/A Billings Billings Billings Billings $0
521st Garagedudes Garagedudes $406
Members of Garagedudes
4884th George McCune George McCune $406
522nd Team Vine Team Vine $3,080
Members of Team Vine
2001st Samantha Brewton Samantha Brewton $1,015
2303rd Deanna Dishman Deanna Dishman $893
2558th Ingrid Theresa Argueta Ingrid Theresa Argueta $798
5016th Erica Thompson Erica Thompson $374
523rd Duffy’s Pedaler’s Duffy’s Pedaler’s $508
Members of Duffy’s Pedaler’s
5364th Mike Duffy Mike Duffy $301
7348th Andrew Smith Andrew Smith $93
8820th Joel Butler Joel Butler $26
524th That's How We Roll That's How We Roll $4,376
Members of That's How We Roll
208th Karen A. Thompson Karen A. Thompson $4,350
8820th Cathy Field Cathy Field $26
105th Mateo Maestas Mateo Maestas $6,152
N/A Padyakeros Mandiliones Padyakeros Mandiliones $0
Members of Padyakeros Mandiliones
N/A Ron Migs Miguel Ron Migs Miguel $0
527th Matthew Slider’s Rebel Riders Matthew Slider’s Rebel Riders $2,183
Members of Matthew Slider’s Rebel Riders
784th Matthew Slider Matthew Slider $2,074
6944th Zanna Poe Zanna Poe $109
528th Winners Circle Winners Circle $399
Members of Winners Circle
4920th Derek Stanfill Derek Stanfill $399
529th Bandidos of Bethesda Bandidos of Bethesda $1,015
Members of Bandidos of Bethesda
2188th Aaron Olsen Aaron Olsen $943
7522nd Peggy Pinto Peggy Pinto $72
N/A Reynalynn Palanca Reynalynn Palanca $0
530th Team Terrie Team Terrie $57
Members of Team Terrie
7828th Hinton Vick Hinton Vick $57
531st Oh Shift!!!! Oh Shift!!!! $109
Members of Oh Shift!!!!
6944th Deserae Steckley Deserae Steckley $109
532nd Team NEPA (Northeast PA) Team NEPA (Northeast PA) $590
Members of Team NEPA (Northeast PA)
3584th Kevin Wendt Kevin Wendt $590
533rd Team Weatherford Family Team Weatherford Family $1,186
Members of Team Weatherford Family
3690th Matthew Weatherford Matthew Weatherford $576
3705th John Weatherford John Weatherford $574
534th Always Sunny In Lanesboro Always Sunny In Lanesboro $321
Members of Always Sunny In Lanesboro
5911th Nicole Ryan Nicole Ryan $222
8997th Heather Womeldorf Heather Womeldorf $21
N/A Kurt A Knollmaier Kurt A Knollmaier $0
N/A Parker Wangen Parker Wangen $0
N/A Tom Ryan Tom Ryan $0
535th EmPRO & friends EmPRO & friends $375
Members of EmPRO & friends
5106th Marguerite Peugeot Marguerite Peugeot $354
N/A JM Jacob JM Jacob $0
536th Speed Racer Speed Racer $920
Members of Speed Racer
2234th Francisco Jose Puentes Vargas Francisco Jose Puentes Vargas $920
537th Flower Pedals Flower Pedals $588
Members of Flower Pedals
3603rd Jennifer Jarvis Jennifer Jarvis $588
N/A Chris Jarvis Chris Jarvis $0
N/A Kathleen Lucking Kathleen Lucking $0
N/A Tom Jarvis Tom Jarvis $0
538th Dog People Against Cancer Dog People Against Cancer $2,300
Members of Dog People Against Cancer
1965th Darryl C Warren Darryl C Warren $1,026
2839th Torka Poet Torka Poet $729
539th Cycle With Sandy for Cause Cycle With Sandy for Cause $104
Members of Cycle With Sandy for Cause
7015th Sandy Corin Sandy Corin $104
540th The Grumpy Smithurinis The Grumpy Smithurinis $1,386
Members of The Grumpy Smithurinis
3621st John Smith John Smith $586
3919th Jason Venturini Jason Venturini $545
5659th Luke Smith Luke Smith $255
Members of MIKEHAWK
N/A Troy Stieferman Troy Stieferman $0
542nd 3 Bad B’s 3 Bad B’s $849
Members of 3 Bad B’s
3730th Lara Benezra Lara Benezra $571
6090th Stephanie Boyett Stephanie Boyett $200
7877th Lee Hoffman Lee Hoffman $52
543rd Let's Ride Let's Ride $1,930
Members of Let's Ride
840th William Sai-Palm William Sai-Palm $1,930
544th Cycle Queens Cycle Queens $728
Members of Cycle Queens
5022nd Beth Gist Beth Gist $373
5327th Linda Lyman Asbell Linda Lyman Asbell $305
545th HopeRiders HopeRiders $2,193
Members of HopeRiders
1403rd Anastasia Lott Anastasia Lott $1,292
2283rd Gloria Agnes Gloria Agnes $901
546th Cycling for a Cure. Cycling for a Cure. $464
Members of Cycling for a Cure.
6198th Michael Hescock Michael Hescock $189
6539th Brianna Wilcox Brianna Wilcox $145
7015th Clifford Wilcox Clifford Wilcox $104
8997th Faith Wilcox Faith Wilcox $21
9381st Samantha Theriaque Samantha Theriaque $5
547th Troy's minions Troy's minions $2,414
Members of Troy's minions
660th Troy Richards Troy Richards $2,414
548th Geared Gamers Geared Gamers $8,102
Members of Geared Gamers
90th Stephen Holloway Stephen Holloway $6,530
1252nd Tom LeMaistre Tom LeMaistre $1,406
549th boonville boonville $52
Members of boonville
7877th Michael Schoen Michael Schoen $52
550th We’re Wheely Trying We’re Wheely Trying $1,312
Members of We’re Wheely Trying
3409th Katie Sherwood Katie Sherwood $615
4111th Millie Sherwood Millie Sherwood $522
6290th Mackenzie Weber Mackenzie Weber $175
N/A Gabrielle Lamprou Gabrielle Lamprou $0