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Rank Name Raised
601st School riders School riders $640
Members of School riders
4359th Shari Reeley Shari Reeley $505
7828th Blayke Reeley Blayke Reeley $57
8820th Brooklyn Hanmore Bollinger Brooklyn Hanmore Bollinger $26
8997th Dyllyn Hanmore Dyllyn Hanmore $21
602nd Kinsley Kinsley $202
Members of Kinsley
6060th George Harris George Harris $202
N/A John Simonaitis John Simonaitis $0
603rd MAG3-C MAG3-C $190
Members of MAG3-C
6158th Marc Del Frate Marc Del Frate $190
604th Kellie & Lani Kellie & Lani $365
Members of Kellie & Lani
5056th Kellie Chambers Kellie Chambers $365
N/A Council cycling Council cycling $0
Members of Council cycling
N/A Angel Garcia Angel Garcia $0
N/A Roberto Carballo Roberto Carballo $0
606th Hayley's Comets Hayley's Comets $602
Members of Hayley's Comets
3508th Ronald Aplin Ronald Aplin $602
607th Rosenberg Riders Rosenberg Riders $755
Members of Rosenberg Riders
2731st Reuben Rosenberg Reuben Rosenberg $755
N/A Amy Garrison Amy Garrison $0
608th Washington IN GCC Washington IN GCC $1,806
Members of Washington IN GCC
942nd Jeff Bullock Jeff Bullock $1,736
609th Team 47 Team 47 $1,367
Members of Team 47
1454th Jim Brown Jim Brown $1,367
610th Hope for a Cure Hope for a Cure $508
Members of Hope for a Cure
4304th Denise Pascual Denise Pascual $508
N/A Arielle Kemp Arielle Kemp $0
611th We Are Kind We Are Kind $4,419
Members of We Are Kind
500th Damaris Rivera Arroyo Damaris Rivera Arroyo $2,739
1105th Giovanni Sanchez Giovanni Sanchez $1,547
N/A William Meier William Meier $0
N/A Team IES Chain Champs Team IES Chain Champs $0
Members of Team IES Chain Champs
N/A Josh Swearingen Josh Swearingen $0
N/A Michael Lawson Michael Lawson $0
613th Muehleisen Muehleisen $639
Members of Muehleisen
3258th Robert Muehleisen Robert Muehleisen $639
N/A Mary Muehleisen Mary Muehleisen $0
614th Cancer Kickers Cancer Kickers $940
Members of Cancer Kickers
1894th Natalie Sirois Natalie Sirois $914
3128th Minnie Houde Minnie Houde $26
615th Kaimu Beach Crew Kaimu Beach Crew $477
Members of Kaimu Beach Crew
5636th Tiara Erlecia Keliihoomalu Tiara Erlecia Keliihoomalu $257
6748th Trevor Keliihoomalu Trevor Keliihoomalu $124
7824th Rob Gonz Rob Gonz $60
N/A Andrew Dunn Andrew Dunn $0
N/A Samuel Keliihoomalu Samuel Keliihoomalu $0
N/A Sydney Sparks Sydney Sparks $0
616th Saddle Soars Saddle Soars $809
Members of Saddle Soars
5404th Steve Cooke Steve Cooke $294
5429th Kim Cook Kim Cook $288
5877th Fred Cook Fred Cook $227
617th Daylight Bike Daylight Bike $238
Members of Daylight Bike
5786th Dayle Rudd Dayle Rudd $238
618th Team 213 Team 213 $2,612
Members of Team 213
547th Jeff Kahn Jeff Kahn $2,612
N/A Bill Kirchoff Bill Kirchoff $0
619th We've Got This! We've Got This! $1,096
Members of We've Got This!
3557th Gail Lipe Gail Lipe $595
4963rd Jamie Joy Bennett Jamie Joy Bennett $387
8166th Lizzy Bennett Lizzy Bennett $46
8225th Aaron Bennett Aaron Bennett $38
8806th Star Lipe Star Lipe $30
620th Milan Michigan Milan Michigan $3,032
Members of Milan Michigan
609th Vern White Vern White $2,518
4209th Sara McGuire Sara McGuire $514
N/A Alex Hackman Alex Hackman $0
621st Maelstrom Riders Maelstrom Riders $1,104
Members of Maelstrom Riders
3621st Prayan Bhattacharyya Prayan Bhattacharyya $586
5667th Vedanth Srivatsan Vedanth Srivatsan $254
6022nd Srikanth Akkineni Srikanth Akkineni $206
8622nd Samanth Srivatsan Samanth Srivatsan $58
622nd Lamar County Cyclist Lamar County Cyclist $324
Members of Lamar County Cyclist
5249th Juan Hermenegildo Juan Hermenegildo $324
623rd I know you rider I know you rider $349
Members of I know you rider
5891st Benjaman Walter Benjaman Walter $225
6748th Laurie Walter Laurie Walter $124
624th FOUR FOR the KIDS FOUR FOR the KIDS $1,407
Members of FOUR FOR the KIDS
1249th Thomas Jones Thomas Jones $1,407
625th Team Anderson Team Anderson $105
Members of Team Anderson
7713th Mark Anderson Mark Anderson $67
N/A Randy Anderson Randy Anderson $0
626th Hotel Kings Hotel Kings $251
Members of Hotel Kings
5695th Michael Gantman Michael Gantman $251
627th Samina Squad Samina Squad $1,267
Members of Samina Squad
2695th Samina Bunnell Samina Bunnell $764
4426th Sarah Besig Sarah Besig $503
N/A Ethan Frey Ethan Frey $0
N/A Michael McGrath Michael McGrath $0
628th Danny Martin-Eagle Wings Danny Martin-Eagle Wings $1,888
Members of Danny Martin-Eagle Wings
2068th Linda Martin Linda Martin $1,003
2332nd Gavin Martin Gavin Martin $885
629th The O's The O's $573
Members of The O's
3713th Robert Osterhoudt Robert Osterhoudt $573
N/A They See Us Rollin’ They See Us Rollin’ $0
Members of They See Us Rollin’
N/A Jennifer Risenhoover-Berry Jennifer Risenhoover-Berry $0
631st South Shore Cyclomaniacs 24 South Shore Cyclomaniacs 24 $186
Members of South Shore Cyclomaniacs 24
6654th Anne Norton Anne Norton $134
7877th Maria Byrnes Maria Byrnes $52
N/A Mj Ragua Mj Ragua $0
N/A Tara Morgan Tara Morgan $0
N/A Zoe Mace Zoe Mace $0
632nd Kathy Kathy $1,131
Members of Kathy
1678th Kathy Holland Kathy Holland $1,131
633rd Team Sozo Team Sozo $174
Members of Team Sozo
6297th Perry Brittain Perry Brittain $174
634th Sunflower Power Sunflower Power $773
Members of Sunflower Power
2652nd Elizabeth Morris-Mowrey Elizabeth Morris-Mowrey $773
635th Ware Fam & Friends Ware Fam & Friends $429
Members of Ware Fam & Friends
N/A Hannah Ware Hannah Ware $0
N/A Johnny Ware Johnny Ware $0
N/A Mattie Ware Mattie Ware $0
N/A Zach Ware Zach Ware $0
N/A Zoe Ware Zoe Ware $0
636th Estero Village Estero Village $575
Members of Estero Village
3697th Brian Farris Brian Farris $575
N/A SDF1 Amazon SDF1 Amazon $0
Members of SDF1 Amazon
N/A Breanna Bartlett Breanna Bartlett $0
N/A Brett Gorin Brett Gorin $0
N/A Brittany Gore Brittany Gore $0
N/A Carlton Clay Carlton Clay $0
N/A Chisom Atulomah Chisom Atulomah $0
N/A Christina White Christina White $0
N/A Douglas Braun Douglas Braun $0
N/A Emerson Silva Emerson Silva $0
N/A Jason Riley Jason Riley $0
N/A Jordan Embry Jordan Embry $0
N/A Kelly Covington Kelly Covington $0
N/A Mylon Wright Mylon Wright $0
N/A Shawn Hughes Shawn Hughes $0
N/A Stephanie Elmore Stephanie Elmore $0
N/A Trey Seidl Trey Seidl $0
N/A Whittney Coile Whittney Coile $0
N/A Zachery Dewayne Thomas Zachery Dewayne Thomas $0
638th Cherry Bekaert Cherry Bekaert $2,533
Members of Cherry Bekaert
599th Chris Martin Chris Martin $2,533
639th KT KT $145
Members of KT
6539th Ken Moisan Ken Moisan $145
640th Team KanOkla Team KanOkla $395
Members of Team KanOkla
5927th Zack Turner Zack Turner $219
6267th Jay Hall Jay Hall $176
N/A Jill Kuehny Jill Kuehny $0
641st Neal's Wheels Neal's Wheels $603
Members of Neal's Wheels
3772nd Bob Neal Bob Neal $565
8225th Cindy Neal Cindy Neal $38
N/A Gym Culture Gear Gym Culture Gear $0
Members of Gym Culture Gear
N/A Jason Green Jason Green $0
643rd MCM NCSA MCM NCSA $1,597
Members of MCM NCSA
4575th Genesis Fabian Genesis Fabian $500
4774th Bruce belisle Bruce belisle $442
N/A David Benitez David Benitez $0
N/A Linh DeDalto Linh DeDalto $0
N/A Maricruz Romero Maricruz Romero $0
N/A Marissa Rodarte Marissa Rodarte $0
N/A Natasha Abreu Natasha Abreu $0
N/A Reyna Cardona Reyna Cardona $0
N/A Solomon Lee Solomon Lee $0
644th Dirt Senders Dirt Senders $1,027
Members of Dirt Senders
1960th Connor Dick Connor Dick $1,027
645th Boogie-Clyde Boogie-Clyde $337
Members of Boogie-Clyde
6388th Christopher Natho Christopher Natho $161
6489th Cheri Natho Cheri Natho $151
646th Lego my tire Lego my tire $161
Members of Lego my tire
6388th Tyeler Ault Tyeler Ault $161
647th Black Fatties Black Fatties $510
Members of Black Fatties
4274th Drew Craib Drew Craib $510
648th Training wheels Training wheels $26
Members of Training wheels
8820th Melissa Bouchard Melissa Bouchard $26
649th BBMG BBMG $667
Members of BBMG
3107th Blair Bergquist Blair Bergquist $667
N/A Matthew Gehen Matthew Gehen $0
650th Peak Baggers Peak Baggers $1,609
Members of Peak Baggers
1038th Maverick Stevens Maverick Stevens $1,609