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Rank Name Raised
401st LexisNexis LexisNexis $1,327
Members of LexisNexis
1343rd Brian Sanner Brian Sanner $1,327
402nd Happy Hens Happy Hens $718
Members of Happy Hens
4235th Gale Wilson Gale Wilson $512
6495th Donna Kjellander Donna Kjellander $150
7865th Amy Blumhardt Amy Blumhardt $56
N/A Kay Shields Kay Shields $0
N/A Tetiana Harris Tetiana Harris $0
403rd Olive Branch MS YMCA Olive Branch MS YMCA $920
Members of Olive Branch MS YMCA
2234th michele peel michele peel $920
404th Spare Tires Spare Tires $390
Members of Spare Tires
5032nd Allen McCabe Allen McCabe $371
9204th Amanda Kirkpatrick Amanda Kirkpatrick $19
405th Pedaling for Kids! Pedaling for Kids! $5,159
Members of Pedaling for Kids!
823rd Bob Perrell Bob Perrell $1,991
827th Rachael Fosket Rachael Fosket $1,979
2938th Jesse Perrell Jesse Perrell $708
4986th Matt Fosket Matt Fosket $381
N/A Le Tour de Christ Le Tour de Christ $0
Members of Le Tour de Christ
N/A Alejandro del Real Alejandro del Real $0
407th The FUGEDDABOUDITS Riders The FUGEDDABOUDITS Riders $1,112
Members of The FUGEDDABOUDITS Riders
1730th Augie Paiva Augie Paiva $1,112
408th PIPER PIPER $1,415
Members of PIPER
2833rd Brianna Caissie Brianna Caissie $730
409th Wheels on fire Wheels on fire $903
Members of Wheels on fire
2275th Joseph Galviz Joseph Galviz $903
410th Vicki & Rich Vicki & Rich $641
Members of Vicki & Rich
3245th Vicki Willis Vicki Willis $641
411th Tex medic 24 Tex medic 24 $124
Members of Tex medic 24
6748th George Houth George Houth $124
412th Coach Sipe Coach Sipe $25
Members of Coach Sipe
8952nd Dale Sipos Dale Sipos $25
413th throughChrist69 throughChrist69 $20
Members of throughChrist69
9164th Robert Anderson Robert Anderson $20
414th Team Kipper Team Kipper $653
Members of Team Kipper
3173rd Dustin Kipper Dustin Kipper $653
N/A Juli Kipper Juli Kipper $0
415th Grind Group Grind Group $1,408
Members of Grind Group
1831st Stephen Markland Stephen Markland $1,068
5170th Chris Scoville Chris Scoville $340
N/A Lucas Nel Lucas Nel $0
N/A Gavin Smith and Family Gavin Smith and Family $0
Members of Gavin Smith and Family
N/A Erin Smith Erin Smith $0
N/A Gavin Smith Gavin Smith $0
N/A Kurt Smith Kurt Smith $0
417th Savannah Donatos & Friends Savannah Donatos & Friends $242
Members of Savannah Donatos & Friends
8820th Cassandra Greene Cassandra Greene $26
8820th Jason Greene Jason Greene $26
N/A Extratogetherness Extratogetherness $0
Members of Extratogetherness
N/A Kim Kizer Kim Kizer $0
N/A Marcelo Almeida Marcelo Almeida $0
419th Novantenne, Nove y Otto Novantenne, Nove y Otto $2,676
Members of Novantenne, Nove y Otto
1337th Robert Semenza Robert Semenza $1,331
2543rd Otto Watt Otto Watt $802
3927th Marie Watt Marie Watt $543
420th CTFL Wheel Friends CTFL Wheel Friends $511
Members of CTFL Wheel Friends
4262nd Kristine Dabrow Kristine Dabrow $511
N/A Michelle Wink Michelle Wink $0
421st Chains Chains $190
Members of Chains
6158th Travis Sveum Travis Sveum $190
422nd PPRC PPRC $5
Members of PPRC
9381st Alex Mehos Alex Mehos $5
423rd The Golden Gears The Golden Gears $2,151
Members of The Golden Gears
2731st Jennifer Buda Jennifer Buda $755
3334th Cynthia Johnson Cynthia Johnson $626
3673rd Nichole Salzano Nichole Salzano $578
7392nd Julie Nelson Julie Nelson $88
N/A Alexis Fisher Alexis Fisher $0
424th Copper Canyon Copper Canyon $1,609
Members of Copper Canyon
1038th Chad DeWitt Chad DeWitt $1,609
425th ASGards Roots ASGards Roots $72
Members of ASGards Roots
N/A Alexander S Goddard Alexander S Goddard $0
N/A 610 hope 610 hope $0
Members of 610 hope
N/A Luis Gonzalez Luis Gonzalez $0
427th B.E.E. B.E.E. $41
Members of B.E.E.
8188th Teresa Bauer-Eland Teresa Bauer-Eland $41
N/A Roy Eland Roy Eland $0
N/A Sonia Medina Sonia Medina $0
428th 🖕🏼Cancer 🖕🏼Cancer $385
Members of 🖕🏼Cancer
5127th Sebastien Donaldson Sebastien Donaldson $349
70th Helene Atkins Helene Atkins $7,248
491st Pat Parte Pat Parte $2,764
430th riders in Christ riders in Christ $21
Members of riders in Christ
8997th Tetsu Komatsu Tetsu Komatsu $21
N/A Eric ybarra Eric ybarra $0
N/A kayler de Jesús kayler de Jesús $0
431st Libertyville Lizards Libertyville Lizards $139
Members of Libertyville Lizards
6616th Patrick Dawson Patrick Dawson $139
N/A Beastnet Beastnet $0
Members of Beastnet
N/A Mike James Mike James $0
433rd Little Ball Bluff Riders Little Ball Bluff Riders $384
Members of Little Ball Bluff Riders
6052nd Constance LaCombe Constance LaCombe $203
7522nd sandi Davis sandi Davis $72
434th Bike It You Like It Bike It You Like It $1,665
Members of Bike It You Like It
1870th Senthil Shanmugam Senthil Shanmugam $1,053
4872nd Ayyanarappan chinnaraja pillai Ayyanarappan chinnaraja pillai $409
6052nd Antonyvenish Soosaiantony Antonyvenish Soosaiantony $203
N/A Hemachandran Sundaramurthy Hemachandran Sundaramurthy $0
N/A Jayachandran Mallika Ramachandran Jayachandran Mallika Ramachandran $0
N/A Karthik Ramasamy Karthik Ramasamy $0
N/A Kothan Narasiman Kothan Narasiman $0
N/A Ravisankar Srirangan Ravisankar Srirangan $0
435th The Blue Angels The Blue Angels $1,779
Members of The Blue Angels
2262nd Saravana Kumar Saravana Kumar $910
2360th Vasi Venkatesan Vasi Venkatesan $869
N/A Asok Christian Asok Christian $0
N/A Jagadeesh Unnikrishnan Jagadeesh Unnikrishnan $0
N/A Muthu Kandasamy Muthu Kandasamy $0
N/A Pranathi Ramprasad Pranathi Ramprasad $0
N/A Ramprasad Soundararajan Ramprasad Soundararajan $0
436th Combs and son Combs and son $641
Members of Combs and son
3245th David Combs David Combs $641
437th Ohio Trail Riders Ohio Trail Riders $501
Members of Ohio Trail Riders
4514th Jody L. Showalter Jody L. Showalter $501
N/A Jess Rose Jess Rose $0
N/A Scott Larrick Scott Larrick $0
438th WPNT WPNT $92
Members of WPNT
7369th Kirk Bentley Kirk Bentley $92
N/A Jay Carmony Jay Carmony $0
439th The Cuckle Doodle Doos The Cuckle Doodle Doos $369
Members of The Cuckle Doodle Doos
5040th Timothy Sallinger Timothy Sallinger $369
440th Team peña Team peña $109
Members of Team peña
6944th Carlos Pena Carlos Pena $109
N/A Alberto josue Peña avilez Alberto josue Peña avilez $0
441st Gearing Up To Derail CC Gearing Up To Derail CC $3,511
Members of Gearing Up To Derail CC
696th Amy Voss Amy Voss $2,281
2874th Timothy Voss Timothy Voss $723
4859th Mark Voss Mark Voss $412
7302nd Mary Jane Metzdorff Mary Jane Metzdorff $95
N/A Fast & Furrious Fast & Furrious $0
Members of Fast & Furrious
N/A Michael Harris Michael Harris $0
N/A Federaz Federaz $0
Members of Federaz
N/A Daniel Farley Daniel Farley $0
444th Team Thaler Team Thaler $508
Members of Team Thaler
4305th Zach Thaler Zach Thaler $508
445th Rotary Riders Rotary Riders $1,067
Members of Rotary Riders
1834th Patricia Knauss Patricia Knauss $1,067
446th Katie’s Groupies Katie’s Groupies $3,436
Members of Katie’s Groupies
1299th Jeanette Voyles Jeanette Voyles $1,360
1903rd Monica Shell Monica Shell $1,043
1944th Scott Chambers Scott Chambers $1,033
447th Cool Kids Cool Kids $1,001
Members of Cool Kids
2092nd Tom Mongoven Tom Mongoven $1,001
448th Tour de Friends Tour de Friends $426
Members of Tour de Friends
5542nd Angie Gurung Angie Gurung $272
6474th Paula Jessop Paula Jessop $154
N/A Ashley Ann LaRose Ashley Ann LaRose $0
449th Kaila Kaila $1,559
Members of Kaila
1775th Terrie Rosario Terrie Rosario $1,093
4714th Christopher Rosario Christopher Rosario $466
450th AV Nerds AV Nerds $724
Members of AV Nerds
2867th Jeff Kelly Jeff Kelly $724