
Browse the full list of riders below.

Rank Name Raised
N/A Barbara Rojas Barbara Rojas 3 years $0
3238th James Gervais James Gervais 3 years $642
N/A Jason Scull Jason Scull 1 years $0
1787th Steve Holmes Steve Holmes 8 years $1,087
5475th Karen Lawrence Karen Lawrence 2 years $280
4262nd Christina Chiarillo Christina Chiarillo 4 years $511
4836th Bruce Brummel Bruce Brummel 7 years $418
N/A Sonia Medina Sonia Medina 2 years $0
651st Joan O'Donnell Joan O'Donnell 8 years $2,446
1850th John Huston John Huston 1 years $1,058
1908th Robert Nelson Robert Nelson 3 years $1,042
1998th Scott Gardner Scott Gardner 5 years $1,017
3697th Ram Dyer Ram Dyer 3 years $575
4206th Peggy Villagomez Peggy Villagomez 2 years $515
820th Daryl Klein Daryl Klein 2 years $2,001
4812th Cathie France Cathie France 7 years $426
1994th Riqui Gardner Riqui Gardner 5 years $1,019
3300th Jorge Molina Jorge Molina 5 years $631
1772nd Brynne Poole Brynne Poole 7 years $1,095
3578th Kim Meyer Kim Meyer 5 years $591