Team Easton

Team Easton
Cancer is the biggest killer of kids from disease in the USA, 38 children die every week. Please donate now and support our challenge to fight kids' cancer!
We've Ridden 0.0 mi Our goal is 100 mi
Our Rankings
  • National: N/A
  • Category: N/A
We've raised $0 Our goal is $500 Donate Now

1 Members

1 team member

Our Challenge

  • 18 Jun 2024

    This September, Team Easton is taking part in the Great Cycle Challenge to fight kids' cancer!

    Why? Because right now, cancer is the biggest killer of children from disease in the United States. Over 15,700 children are diagnosed every year, and sadly, 38 children die of cancer every week.

    Kids should be living life, not fighting for it.

    The Northfield Campus bestrides one of Chicagoland's great multi-use paths, the North Branch Trail:

    If possible for you, consider a small donation to support this excellent cause, as we ride to raise awareness of the fight to defeat cancer.

    Thank you.


    Posted 11 days ago
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