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Rank Name Raised
701st Team Adi Strong! Team Adi Strong! $2,567
Members of Team Adi Strong!
1285th Sachin Kohli Sachin Kohli $1,372
1558th Pooja Kohli Pooja Kohli $1,195
N/A Raghav Kohli Raghav Kohli $0
N/A Vikesh Khanijow Vikesh Khanijow $0
702nd Psychopathic Rydas Psychopathic Rydas $72
Members of Psychopathic Rydas
7522nd Chris Landsman Chris Landsman $72
703rd Ruthless 1’s Ruthless 1’s $93
Members of Ruthless 1’s
7348th Timothy Ruth Timothy Ruth $93
704th Caleb Cares Caleb Cares $4,562
Members of Caleb Cares
1356th Crystal Diaz Crystal Diaz $1,323
1548th Therese Mazzei Therese Mazzei $1,201
4235th Rebecca Aguon Rebecca Aguon $512
N/A Team Sac Kings! Team Sac Kings! $0
Members of Team Sac Kings!
N/A Enrique Ramos Enrique Ramos $0
706th CountrySide Bicycling CountrySide Bicycling $123
Members of CountrySide Bicycling
6854th Coy Smith Coy Smith $123
707th Chito's Legacy Riders Chito's Legacy Riders $1,495
Members of Chito's Legacy Riders
1442nd Cinthia Sanchez Cinthia Sanchez $1,259
5815th Ilenia Sanchez-Bryson Ilenia Sanchez-Bryson $236
N/A Adrian Alvarez Adrian Alvarez $0
N/A Alessandra Puig-Santana Alessandra Puig-Santana $0
708th Cruising the BDT Cruising the BDT $36
Members of Cruising the BDT
8246th Scott Hulslander Scott Hulslander $36
709th Brosride35yearsagain Brosride35yearsagain $410
Members of Brosride35yearsagain
4866th Ulric Winston Ulric Winston $410
710th Flesh Peddlers Flesh Peddlers $611
Members of Flesh Peddlers
3809th Darren Milbrandt Darren Milbrandt $559
7877th Christina Wint Christina Wint $52
N/A Fit for Life Fit for Life $0
Members of Fit for Life
N/A Fit For Life Fit For Life $0
712th Team Flamingo Team Flamingo $3,014
Members of Team Flamingo
434th Leigh Zeitz Leigh Zeitz $3,014
713th SoCal Kickers SoCal Kickers $775
Members of SoCal Kickers
2636th Boyet Ruanto Boyet Ruanto $775
N/A Adnan Ezzi Adnan Ezzi $0
N/A Jaryd Hochberger Jaryd Hochberger $0
714th First Responder Fitness for Kid's Cancer First Responder Fitness for Kid's Cancer $593
Members of First Responder Fitness for Kid's Cancer
5238th James Lyles James Lyles $326
5565th Antonio Lee Antonio Lee $267
N/A Arden Butler Arden Butler $0
N/A Kyle Dungee Kyle Dungee $0
715th Angels Among Us Angels Among Us $345
Members of Angels Among Us
5535th Alicia Kirkby Alicia Kirkby $273
716th Filipino Nurses and Healthcare Cyclist Team Filipino Nurses and Healthcare Cyclist Team $217
Members of Filipino Nurses and Healthcare Cyclist Team
6860th Daisy Icaro Parish Daisy Icaro Parish $122
7302nd Christopher Gacad Christopher Gacad $95
717th M &I M &I $336
Members of M &I
5189th Chacko Mathew Chacko Mathew $336
N/A israel stanley israel stanley $0
N/A Laurie's Lollygaggers Laurie's Lollygaggers $0
Members of Laurie's Lollygaggers
N/A Laurie Stroh Laurie Stroh $0
719th Den cycle Den cycle $265
Members of Den cycle
5571st Joseph Kozlowski Joseph Kozlowski $265
720th We Ride We Ride $1,164
Members of We Ride
1616th Ken Whitinger Ken Whitinger $1,164
721st Goal Crusher Goal Crusher $228
Members of Goal Crusher
5852nd Trey Peters Trey Peters $228
N/A Sandra Vera Sandra Vera $0
722nd Team Bananas Team Bananas $2,989
Members of Team Bananas
563rd Chris Simmons Chris Simmons $2,592
5124th Delaney Stein-Pierce Delaney Stein-Pierce $350
N/A Stryker Stryker $0
Members of Stryker
N/A Martin Schlapfer Martin Schlapfer $0
N/A Eastern Oregon Cyclers Eastern Oregon Cyclers $0
Members of Eastern Oregon Cyclers
N/A Jedediah Adams Jedediah Adams $0
N/A Jennifer Slinkard Jennifer Slinkard $0
N/A Julie Keniry Julie Keniry $0
725th Team Susan Canole Team Susan Canole $1,692
Members of Team Susan Canole
971st Liz Stutte Liz Stutte $1,692
726th Team Sugar Team Sugar $201
Members of Team Sugar
6082nd Kelly Darvishi Kelly Darvishi $201
727th The YOL crew The YOL crew $605
Members of The YOL crew
3482nd Cindi Bowles Cindi Bowles $605
728th Heasgot Low Expectations Heasgot Low Expectations $436
Members of Heasgot Low Expectations
6060th Lauren Heaslip Lauren Heaslip $202
6990th Neil Heaslip Neil Heaslip $108
N/A Nick Nick $0
Members of Nick
N/A Nicholas Dale Nicholas Dale $0
N/A Team IES PDX Cycle & Climb Team IES PDX Cycle & Climb $0
Members of Team IES PDX Cycle & Climb
N/A Eric Willard Eric Willard $0
N/A Gabe Clevinger Gabe Clevinger $0
N/A Nicole Clevinger Nicole Clevinger $0
731st Dapper Drifters Dapper Drifters $101
Members of Dapper Drifters
7217th Ovadyah Freedberg Ovadyah Freedberg $101
732nd Special Needs 4 Special Kids Special Needs 4 Special Kids $1,329
Members of Special Needs 4 Special Kids
1341st Natalie Zozzaro Natalie Zozzaro $1,329
Members of BLUE JETS
N/A Bo Dolecek Bo Dolecek $0
N/A Rosie Thomas Rosie Thomas $0
N/A Vicki Thomas Vicki Thomas $0
N/A Miles to smiles Miles to smiles $0
Members of Miles to smiles
N/A Laci Greenwalt Laci Greenwalt $0
735th Get it Get it $2,344
Members of Get it
677th Dave Choate Dave Choate $2,344
N/A Jessica Delara Jessica Delara $0
736th SGL-GCC SGL-GCC $21
Members of SGL-GCC
8997th Eduardo St Paul Popo Eduardo St Paul Popo $21
737th Stradlers Stradlers $1,000
Members of Stradlers
4575th Helen Stalder Helen Stalder $500
4575th Jeff Stalder Jeff Stalder $500
738th Team Dylan - Winners Never Quit Team Dylan - Winners Never Quit $2,778
Members of Team Dylan - Winners Never Quit
507th Joan Nauman Joan Nauman $2,711
739th OakleyStrong OakleyStrong $7,686
Members of OakleyStrong
7877th Cyndee Kiddoo Cyndee Kiddoo $52
N/A Gracias Gracias $0
Members of Gracias
N/A Brenda Garcia Inclan Brenda Garcia Inclan $0
9250th Ashley Moline Ashley Moline $10
742nd Portland/Couv Portland/Couv $524
Members of Portland/Couv
4091st N. April Brix N. April Brix $524
743rd My Job is Bikes My Job is Bikes $779
Members of My Job is Bikes
2620th Nick Curry Nick Curry $779
744th Park Ply Cyclers Park Ply Cyclers $2,144
Members of Park Ply Cyclers
1070th Beth Falardeau Beth Falardeau $1,572
4359th Dawn Ulepich Dawn Ulepich $505
N/A Blue cruisers Blue cruisers $0
Members of Blue cruisers
N/A Danielle Moses Danielle Moses $0
746th Santa Cruz Santa Cruz $235
Members of Santa Cruz
5819th Christian Minardi Christian Minardi $235
747th Friends of Patrick Lenz Friends of Patrick Lenz $721
Members of Friends of Patrick Lenz
2887th Patrick Lenz Patrick Lenz $721
N/A Jonathan Rattay Jonathan Rattay $0
748th Golden Wheelers Golden Wheelers $757
Members of Golden Wheelers
2722nd Shawnee Edmiston Goodman Shawnee Edmiston Goodman $757
749th JustusLeagueofExtraordinaryRiders JustusLeagueofExtraordinaryRiders $1,430
Members of JustusLeagueofExtraordinaryRiders
1226th Jeanine Jones-Elkins Jeanine Jones-Elkins $1,430
750th TeamMike TeamMike $1,106
Members of TeamMike
1744th Michael Hogan Michael Hogan $1,106