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Rank Name Raised
N/A Baltimore Blu’s Baltimore Blu’s $0
Members of Baltimore Blu’s
N/A Alex Barahona Alex Barahona $0
852nd Handlebar Hooligans Handlebar Hooligans $127
Members of Handlebar Hooligans
6734th Allie Simonin Allie Simonin $127
N/A Alexa Morlier Alexa Morlier $0
N/A Carlee Roberts Carlee Roberts $0
N/A Mackenzie Morgan Mackenzie Morgan $0
853rd Family Matters Family Matters $1,324
Members of Family Matters
1352nd Frankie White Frankie White $1,324
N/A Kelly Coleman-Jack Kelly Coleman-Jack $0
854th Bike 4 life Bike 4 life $66
Members of Bike 4 life
7757th Jeannine Cabanellas-Kidwell Jeannine Cabanellas-Kidwell $66
855th Team ESP Team ESP $21
Members of Team ESP
8997th Dexter Espiritu Dexter Espiritu $21
N/A Daniel Espiritu Daniel Espiritu $0
N/A Mia Rico Mia Rico $0
856th Team Soupy Team Soupy $462
Members of Team Soupy
4787th Michael Campbell Michael Campbell $436
857th Team Kimber Team Kimber $26
Members of Team Kimber
8820th Stephen Okker Stephen Okker $26
858th GymNutz GymNutz $457
Members of GymNutz
4730th Fabricio Breeze Olsson Fabricio Breeze Olsson $457
859th Speed away from cancer for the little. Speed away from cancer for the little. $25
Members of Speed away from cancer for the little.
8952nd Frank David Johnson Frank David Johnson $25
Members of TEAM JAY
7968th Josh Baldwin Josh Baldwin $1
N/A Crispy Critters Crispy Critters $0
Members of Crispy Critters
N/A Sarah Crisp Sarah Crisp $0
N/A Sean Crisp Sean Crisp $0
N/A Jammin' For Lew ❤️ Jammin' For Lew ❤️ $0
Members of Jammin' For Lew ❤️
N/A Cathy Zacharzuk Cathy Zacharzuk $0
N/A Joseph Zacharzuk Joseph Zacharzuk $0
N/A Quakenado Canes Quakenado Canes $0
Members of Quakenado Canes
N/A David Keretski David Keretski $0
N/A Laura Pavloski Laura Pavloski $0
864th Logan's Heros Logan's Heros $309
Members of Logan's Heros
5311th Edward DeLaura Edward DeLaura $309
N/A Raechell Wilson Raechell Wilson $0
N/A Team Gwapogi Team Gwapogi $0
Members of Team Gwapogi
866th Teachers Who Care Teach Teachers Who Care Teach $57
Members of Teachers Who Care Teach
8697th Angelita Dillon Angelita Dillon $57
867th The VanDruffs The VanDruffs $26
Members of The VanDruffs
8820th Gabriel VanDruff Gabriel VanDruff $26
N/A Kristen Kramer Kristen Kramer $0
868th First Choice Electric First Choice Electric $1,250
Members of First Choice Electric
1458th Zach Burris Zach Burris $1,250
N/A Kelsey Burris Kelsey Burris $0
N/A Cituve Cituve $0
Members of Cituve
N/A Ramon a Hernandez Ramon a Hernandez $0
870th W. Ky. Peddlers W. Ky. Peddlers $659
Members of W. Ky. Peddlers
3139th Paul Duncan Paul Duncan $659
871st DD’s Chain Gang 4 Liv’s Lives DD’s Chain Gang 4 Liv’s Lives $362
Members of DD’s Chain Gang 4 Liv’s Lives
5066th Doreen Gonzales Doreen Gonzales $362
872nd Vermont Riders Vermont Riders $454
Members of Vermont Riders
5890th Bodhi Dorman Bodhi Dorman $226
6052nd Grayson Dorman Grayson Dorman $203
8952nd Nicole Grisgraber Nicole Grisgraber $25
N/A Zachary Dorman Zachary Dorman $0
873rd Crane Cares DFW Crane Cares DFW $10
Members of Crane Cares DFW
9250th Jerry Jasa Jerry Jasa $10
874th 3 Reyes Sisters 3 Reyes Sisters $128
Members of 3 Reyes Sisters
8779th Barbara Perez Barbara Perez $128
875th Hawks nest Hawks nest $155
Members of Hawks nest
6440th Joshua Hawks Joshua Hawks $155
876th Midwest Bagels Midwest Bagels $683
Members of Midwest Bagels
3036th Anjo Neil D. Guillermo Anjo Neil D. Guillermo $683
N/A Boss Made Boss Made $0
Members of Boss Made
N/A Eric Robinson Eric Robinson $0
878th Angels of the city Angels of the city $104
Members of Angels of the city
7015th Skyler Alexander Skyler Alexander $104
879th The Horn Clan: Born, Married, Adjacent The Horn Clan: Born, Married, Adjacent $185
Members of The Horn Clan: Born, Married, Adjacent
6290th Laura Horn Laura Horn $175
N/A The Riders The Riders $0
Members of The Riders
N/A Joseph Parker Joseph Parker $0
881st Connecticut Lions Connecticut Lions $1,019
Members of Connecticut Lions
1992nd Dave Roberts Dave Roberts $1,019
N/A Tejas Patel Tejas Patel $0
882nd Janesville plus Janesville plus $115
Members of Janesville plus
6896th Lyn Gust Lyn Gust $115
883rd Family First Family First $20
Members of Family First
9164th Hector Ramos Jr. Hector Ramos Jr. $20
N/A The Cycle-Saurus Rex’s The Cycle-Saurus Rex’s $0
Members of The Cycle-Saurus Rex’s
N/A Brayden Johnson Brayden Johnson $0
N/A Chase Johnson Chase Johnson $0
885th In Jesses Honor In Jesses Honor $136
Members of In Jesses Honor
6635th Amber Moore Amber Moore $136
N/A Matt Moore Matt Moore $0
N/A Team Romero Team Romero $0
Members of Team Romero
N/A Neil Romero Neil Romero $0
N/A Shannese Confoey Shannese Confoey $0
N/A Jerrica's Rock and Ride Fund Raiser Jerrica's Rock and Ride Fund Raiser $0
Members of Jerrica's Rock and Ride Fund Raiser
N/A Joseph Baxter Joseph Baxter $0
888th Team Fricke Team Fricke $124
Members of Team Fricke
6748th Lisa Fricke Lisa Fricke $124
889th Team Halliday Team Halliday $533
Members of Team Halliday
4955th Debra Halliday Debra Halliday $389
7522nd Heather Melanson Heather Melanson $72
890th Mid Michigan Saginaw Bay Midland Mid Michigan Saginaw Bay Midland $36
Members of Mid Michigan Saginaw Bay Midland
N/A maryam Ajeel maryam Ajeel $0
N/A Mighty Itauma Mighty Itauma $0
891st DJ’s Dudes DJ’s Dudes $526
Members of DJ’s Dudes
4066th Brian VanName Brian VanName $526
892nd Cyclers Fighting Cancer Cyclers Fighting Cancer $87
Members of Cyclers Fighting Cancer
7427th Aaron Miller Aaron Miller $87
893rd Retired GIrl Retired GIrl $62
Members of Retired GIrl
7778th Debbie Short Debbie Short $62
894th McNeill Madness McNeill Madness $544
Members of McNeill Madness
4780th Clay McNeill Clay McNeill $440
7015th Laura McNeill Laura McNeill $104
895th Great and Amazing Zach Great and Amazing Zach $567
Members of Great and Amazing Zach
3760th Robin Barr Robin Barr $567
896th Agadia Systems Agadia Systems $155
Members of Agadia Systems
6440th Dharmaraj Nagarajan Dharmaraj Nagarajan $155
897th Chrysalis Logistics BMX Chrysalis Logistics BMX $36
Members of Chrysalis Logistics BMX
8246th Willard Witham Willard Witham $36
898th Davenport Boys Davenport Boys $163
Members of Davenport Boys
6368th Matthew Cox Matthew Cox $163
N/A Jason Cox Jason Cox $0
899th Summer sunshine Summer sunshine $165
Members of Summer sunshine
9381st Laurie Sylvester Laurie Sylvester $5
N/A NIH Cancer Alliance NIH Cancer Alliance $0
Members of NIH Cancer Alliance
N/A James Nichols James Nichols $0