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Rank Name Raised
351st KA and CB KA and CB $5,714
Members of KA and CB
229th Chris Belcher Chris Belcher $4,183
1122nd Kristen Anderson Kristen Anderson $1,531
352nd Where the Wild Wheels Are Where the Wild Wheels Are $2,237
Members of Where the Wild Wheels Are
2139th David Horn David Horn $970
3349th Lenny Gebhart Lenny Gebhart $624
3578th Becca Davis Becca Davis $591
N/A Debra LeMay Debra LeMay $0
N/A Jared Wilbur Jared Wilbur $0
353rd Pierce Strong Pierce Strong $16,587
Members of Pierce Strong
18th Larry Gaines Larry Gaines $15,197
1678th Jo Crawford Jo Crawford $1,131
354th Carolina Crew Carolina Crew $274
Members of Carolina Crew
N/A Mike Wallace Mike Wallace $0
N/A Ross Bryson Ross Bryson $0
N/A Taylor Abbasi Taylor Abbasi $0
355th Mac 4 Kids Mac 4 Kids $7,058
Members of Mac 4 Kids
129th Jeff McCullough Jeff McCullough $5,522
1116th Jeffrey Taylor Jeffrey Taylor $1,536
356th Team Atalese Team Atalese $2,324
Members of Team Atalese
1456th Lynda Atalese Lynda Atalese $1,251
1821st Vincent Atalese Vincent Atalese $1,073
357th Pirate Bikers Pirate Bikers $3,029
Members of Pirate Bikers
991st Dan Johnson Dan Johnson $1,662
2808th Nick Spiegler Nick Spiegler $735
3292nd Jake Hatzel Jake Hatzel $632
N/A MR.LJ's MR.LJ's $0
Members of MR.LJ's
N/A Jason Macek Jason Macek $0
359th Because I Can Because I Can $333
Members of Because I Can
5849th Jess Sabin Jess Sabin $229
360th Forever 16 Forever 16 $435
Members of Forever 16
4872nd Amber Coldren Amber Coldren $409
8820th Elijah Simon Elijah Simon $26
N/A Callie Luthman Callie Luthman $0
361st The moderately fit boys The moderately fit boys $1,753
Members of The moderately fit boys
1282nd Matteo Friscia Matteo Friscia $1,376
5839th Tristen Ayala Tristen Ayala $231
8997th Steven Shifren Steven Shifren $21
N/A Patrick Lee Patrick Lee $0
N/A Peter Calicchia Peter Calicchia $0
N/A Team Brown Family Team Brown Family $0
Members of Team Brown Family
N/A Torques Brown Torques Brown $0
363rd Two Dads Two Dads $1,464
Members of Two Dads
2448th Jared Rinehart Jared Rinehart $838
3334th David Morrison David Morrison $626
364th Mann Clann Mann Clann $557
Members of Mann Clann
4714th Rebecca Mann Rebecca Mann $466
7380th Tieren Mann Tieren Mann $91
N/A SL&K Biker Squad SL&K Biker Squad $0
Members of SL&K Biker Squad
N/A Claudia Siegrist Claudia Siegrist $0
N/A Igor Cvetkovic Igor Cvetkovic $0
N/A Jamie Cox Jamie Cox $0
N/A Juan Duran Juan Duran $0
N/A Mehrnoosh Abbasi Mehrnoosh Abbasi $0
N/A Ozana Gangler Ozana Gangler $0
366th Serena Sizzlers Serena Sizzlers $2,437
Members of Serena Sizzlers
1139th Edward Marshall Edward Marshall $1,517
N/A Katie Olson Katie Olson $848
367th The knobby Knees The knobby Knees $785
Members of The knobby Knees
3790th Shaena Johnson Shaena Johnson $562
5907th Michelle Skjei Michelle Skjei $223
368th Bike Bois Bike Bois $655
Members of Bike Bois
3625th Richard C. Grahn Richard C. Grahn $634
8997th Ian Shirley Ian Shirley $21
N/A Devin Gower Devin Gower $0
N/A Jon Perez Jon Perez $0
369th GCC ChainGang GCC ChainGang $655
Members of GCC ChainGang
3156th Jen Williams Jen Williams $655
370th Team Mendoza Team Mendoza $1,537
Members of Team Mendoza
1114th Freddy Mendoza Freddy Mendoza $1,537
371st SADMAN SADMAN $145
Members of SADMAN
6944th Michelle Nix Michelle Nix $109
8246th Shawn Davis Shawn Davis $36
372nd Sonoma County Strong Sonoma County Strong $1,500
Members of Sonoma County Strong
1160th Clemence Heymelot Clemence Heymelot $1,500
373rd Rocketed Rocketed $1,370
Members of Rocketed
1331st Travis Gunn Travis Gunn $1,334
374th Frazier Frazier $478
Members of Frazier
4668th Stephen Frazier Stephen Frazier $478
N/A Andrew Frazier Andrew Frazier $0
375th Metafield Mobilizers Metafield Mobilizers $1,429
Members of Metafield Mobilizers
2559th Oliver Vanderlip Oliver Vanderlip $797
6927th Alicia Schimke Alicia Schimke $111
376th Colorado Team Colorado Team $379
Members of Colorado Team
5001st Beata Staszak Beata Staszak $379
N/A Brennan Giesler Brennan Giesler $0
N/A Jonathan Paine Jonathan Paine $0
N/A Kristopher Petrillo Kristopher Petrillo $0
N/A Roosevelt Sanders Roosevelt Sanders $0
N/A Sean Fears Sean Fears $0
377th Dynamic Duo Dynamic Duo $1,519
Members of Dynamic Duo
2678th Judith Delgado Judith Delgado $768
3200th Miguel Delgado Miguel Delgado $649
378th The Hough’s The Hough’s $502
Members of The Hough’s
4462nd Harley Hough Harley Hough $502
N/A Charlie Hough Charlie Hough $0
379th The Meteorites The Meteorites $1,663
Members of The Meteorites
1406th Kevin Thomas Kevin Thomas $1,289
5659th Kimberly Fennell Kimberly Fennell $255
N/A Colleen Alexander Colleen Alexander $0
N/A Neal Fennell Neal Fennell $0
380th Kristin's Miles Kristin's Miles $582
Members of Kristin's Miles
3646th Cassandra Bramble Ormsbee Cassandra Bramble Ormsbee $582
N/A Jimmy Ormsbee Jimmy Ormsbee $0
N/A Vickie Mingus Vickie Mingus $0
N/A Victoria Ackley Victoria Ackley $0
381st Niebling Strong Niebling Strong $2,323
Members of Niebling Strong
1959th Shirley Niebling Shirley Niebling $1,028
2620th Lyla Niebling Lyla Niebling $779
5963rd Jerusha Hensley Jerusha Hensley $213
5995th Pat Niebling Pat Niebling $207
8128th James Hensley James Hensley $48
8128th Tara Niebling Tara Niebling $48
382nd Team Schaffer Team Schaffer $1,587
Members of Team Schaffer
1331st Ely Schaffer Ely Schaffer $1,334
5679th Addie Schaffer Addie Schaffer $253
383rd Henshall-Powell Family Henshall-Powell Family $1,057
Members of Henshall-Powell Family
1851st Rhonda Henshall-Powell Rhonda Henshall-Powell $1,057
384th Terry’s Angels Terry’s Angels $548
Members of Terry’s Angels
4892nd Kathy Nairn Kathy Nairn $404
6562nd Kristine Clements Kristine Clements $144
385th Maintenance riders Maintenance riders $1,253
Members of Maintenance riders
2068th Tyler Reginald Tyler Reginald $1,003
5708th Brian Hernandez Brian Hernandez $250
N/A Michael Ritchey Michael Ritchey $0
386th Waynesboro Cycling Crew Waynesboro Cycling Crew $1,626
Members of Waynesboro Cycling Crew
2012th James Cobb James Cobb $1,011
5166th Steve Mathews Steve Mathews $341
5519th Diana Boland Diana Boland $274
N/A Steven Mathews Sr. Steven Mathews Sr. $0
387th NEFL Pulte Homes NEFL Pulte Homes $207
Members of NEFL Pulte Homes
6587th John Glaser John Glaser $140
7713th Cindy Kuglar Cindy Kuglar $67
N/A Kristin McClellan Kristin McClellan $0
N/A Monica Cantu Monica Cantu $0
N/A Scott Lampke Scott Lampke $0
388th Push the Sky Away Push the Sky Away $1,460
Members of Push the Sky Away
3366th Melinda Jaques Melinda Jaques $621
3442nd Charlotte Gladders Charlotte Gladders $611
8242nd Phyllis Hunter Phyllis Hunter $37
N/A Jada Tate Jada Tate $0
Members of WYO RIDERS
2413th Nicholas Riggs Nicholas Riggs $852
5445th Kim Putnam Kim Putnam $285
N/A Wanda Trujillo Wanda Trujillo $0
390th #ayaojl #ayaojl $1,101
Members of #ayaojl
5258th Ricky Griffin Ricky Griffin $321
6440th Stephen Golubieski Stephen Golubieski $155
7828th Lola Marie Rhinow Lola Marie Rhinow $57
391st Marvel Heroes Marvel Heroes $502
Members of Marvel Heroes
4462nd Dustin Henderson Dustin Henderson $502
N/A Curtis Bierschbach Curtis Bierschbach $0
N/A Jeremy Doster Jeremy Doster $0
392nd 420 Brawlers 420 Brawlers $250
Members of 420 Brawlers
5708th George Darrar George Darrar $250
N/A Deven Anderson Deven Anderson $0
N/A Rodney Scott Rodney Scott $0
393rd Just Ride Baby Just Ride Baby $36
Members of Just Ride Baby
8246th Brian Place Brian Place $36
394th The Legends The Legends $768
Members of The Legends
4119th Dave ROMEO Dave ROMEO $521
6267th Walter Trinidad Walter Trinidad $176
8085th Herbert Trinidad Herbert Trinidad $50
395th Darcy and Eric Darcy and Eric $788
Members of Darcy and Eric
3965th Darcy Bradbury Darcy Bradbury $538
5708th Eric Seiler Eric Seiler $250
396th RockTheRide RockTheRide $1,055
Members of RockTheRide
5296th Lyndsey Gross Lyndsey Gross $1,055
397th canyon falls argyle Team canyon falls argyle Team $248
Members of canyon falls argyle Team
5728th Dayanand Mamidyala Dayanand Mamidyala $248
N/A Appi Bhimavarapu Appi Bhimavarapu $0
N/A Ride for cancer Ride for cancer $0
Members of Ride for cancer
N/A Andrea Flores Montes Andrea Flores Montes $0
399th Golden Riders Golden Riders $2,510
Members of Golden Riders
616th Carol Allessio Carol Allessio $2,510
400th Bright Lights - Save Lives Bright Lights - Save Lives $3,941
Members of Bright Lights - Save Lives
723rd Pam Pinkley Pam Pinkley $2,214
950th Greg Cadieux Greg Cadieux $1,727