I've Ridden
0.0 mi
My goal is
100 mi
My Rankings
- National: 8247th
- State: 165th in MA
My Story
10 Aug 2024
Has anyone not been affected by cancer in some way? Over 2 million people are diagnosed and fighting this disease each year,
with only 611,000 surviving. Fifteen hundred of those deaths are children, with cancer being their #1 disease killer for the USA. These numbers are comparable to our pet population. I'm tired of the dread when the word cancer is mentioned. Let's get a grip on this disease!
Progress is being made. Death rates have fallen by 1/3 since 1991. This fund raiser goes directly to the Children's Cancer Research Fund to help continue their work to develop lifesaving treatments and find a cure.
Please support me by making a donation. Your support will change lives.
Thank you.
My Sponsors
Karen Byram
$36.23Received this donation 148 days ago