Team Kahleesi

Team Kahleesi
Cancer is the biggest killer of kids from disease in the USA, 38 children die every week. Please donate now and support our challenge to fight kids' cancer!
We've Ridden 0.0 mi Our goal is 10,625 mi
Our Rankings
  • National: 1st
  • Category: 1st
We've raised $16,422 Our goal is $57,250 Donate Now

Our Challenge

  • Kahleesi
    14 Jun 2024

    Kahleesi, of Team Kahleesi, started life early. She came into this world at 26 weeks. And fought to stay alive. At age 9 ½ months we found out that she had cancer. This began a two-year journey fighting Hepatoblastoma. (Liver cancer). Her odds of surviving were very small, but her personality, even while very sick, shined through like a beacon. Even at eighteen months, when her cancer spread to her lungs, her radiant smile and laughter, wooed others into her circle. Everyone she met joined our team of well-wishers and prayer warriors. She is truly an amazing little person.

    Kahleesi has received every kind of chemo treatment available for hepatoblastoma, as well as twenty-five sessions of radiation. If this cancer comes back, she has no other options. That is why The Great Cycle Challenge is so important. All kids should have a chance to grow up.

    Her doctors still call her the Miracle Child and she is outperforming every prediction they have made for her. They said she would never have the breath control to be an athlete, yet in her swimming lessons, they say they have never seen a five-year-old with that good of breath control.

    She has been in remission for three years and is doing so, without meds. Her doctor says she is one of the few patients he has in remission he can say this about.

    Kahleesi doesn’t remember any of the battles she has had to fight, but she understands why the Great Cycle Challenge is so important and even recognizes the GCC Logo and her team logo when she sees them. She loves riding her bike and raising money to help these children.

    Posted 42 days ago
  • $10,000 raised to fight kids' cancer!

    We just hit $10,000 to fight kids' cancer! Thank you so much for your support.

    Posted 52 days ago
  • $10,000 raised to fight kids' cancer!

    We just hit $10,000 to fight kids' cancer! Thank you so much for your support.

    Posted 52 days ago
  • $10,000 raised to fight kids' cancer!

    We just hit $10,000 to fight kids' cancer! Thank you so much for your support.

    Posted 57 days ago
  • $5,000 raised to fight kids' cancer!

    We just hit $5,000 to fight kids' cancer! Thank you so much for your support.

    Posted 103 days ago
  • $2,500 raised to fight kids' cancer!

    We just hit $2,500 to fight kids' cancer! Thank you so much for your support.

    Posted 150 days ago
  • $2,000 raised to fight kids' cancer!

    We just hit $2,000 to fight kids' cancer! Thank you so much for your support.

    Posted 168 days ago
  • $500 raised to fight kids' cancer!

    We just hit $500 to fight kids' cancer! Thank you so much for your support.

    Posted 195 days ago
  • $250 raised to fight kids' cancer!

    We just hit $250 to fight kids' cancer! Thank you so much for your support.

    Posted 196 days ago
  • $100 raised to fight kids' cancer!

    We just hit $100 to fight kids' cancer! Thank you so much for your support.

    Posted 197 days ago

Our Sponsors

  • Sally Rech sponsored Sally Rech
    Received this donation 52 days ago
  • bruce smith sponsored Andy Smith
    Received this donation 10 days ago
  • Anonymous sponsored Tom Schultz
    “For the Kids!”
    Received this donation 102 days ago
    Tom Schultz
    “Dear Anonymous (MD), wow - thanks for your very generous donation in support of this cause and me, and of course, the kids. I am honored and humbled to have you on my sponsor list.”
  • Tom Schultz sponsored Tom Schultz
    “Kicking things off with my own personal donation to fight kids' cancer!”
    Received this donation 105 days ago
    Tom Schultz
    “Mr. Schultz, happy to be riding along with you again this year.”
  • Michelle Anderson sponsored Andy Smith
    Received this donation 90 days ago
  • Mary Dempsey sponsored Tom Schultz
    “Go Tom Go!”
    Received this donation 92 days ago
    Tom Schultz
    “Demps, thanks for your very generous donation to this cause and joining my list of sponsors again this year. We ride for those young ones who can't ride now but will in the future. It is friends like you who make this all possible. Your support of me for this challenge and all the support of us over all these years is so much appreciated.”
  • Tip & BoYoung sponsored Tom Schultz
    ““Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving.” ― Albert Einstein Best of luck. Keep moving, brother.”
    Received this donation 89 days ago
    Tom Schultz
    “BoYoung & Tip, thanks for the generous donation. I am honored to have you on my list again in support of this cause and the kids and families impacted by cancer. And I am very appreciated of your support of me for this, and support of all of us through so many items. And the quote - it ended up in my "book". Onward!”
  • Anonymous sponsored Julie Spielman
    “Good luck!”
    Received this donation 134 days ago
    Julie Spielman
    “Thank you so much!! I wish I knew who you were to give you a more proper thank you. Just know that I am truly grateful and that you pushed me over my goal and helped me earn yet another superhero jersey. Though I know that you are truly the hero here. Thank you again!! 🧡💙”
  • Roy Smith sponsored Andy Smith
    “Keep on peddling. Great cause.”
    Received this donation 54 days ago
    Andy Smith
    “Thanks for the support DAD!”
  • Ann Simms sponsored Tom Schultz
    Received this donation 93 days ago
    Tom Schultz
    “Ann, with the systems error, I added your comments here: Tom, I'm grateful every year when I see that you're continuing to support this wonderful cause and allowing us to participate with you through our contributions. What an amazing legacy you've built! Ann, thanks so much for very generous donation. Year after year, you show your support and generosity for me, the kids and this cause. I am so honored to still be teaming with you through all these years.”
  • CJS sponsored Tom Schultz
    “May the wind be slight and your seat un-chafed.”
    Received this donation 88 days ago
    Tom Schultz
    “Bill & MC, thanks for the generous donation. I am honored to have you on my list again in support of this cause and the kids and families impacted by cancer. Hope the wind and my seat cooperate, along with the music slightly louder as I wander the trail behind your house. Maybe you can join me for a ride.”
  • Marc Weisenburger sponsored Tom Schultz
    “Happy to participate and we are thankful for you efforts to pay forward.”
    Received this donation 58 days ago
    Tom Schultz
    “Marc, thank you for your generous donation in supporting me, this cause, and the kids again this year. Happy to be back in the lineup with you. And you know well about paying it forward. Friends like you make all this possible. See you soon Pudge!”
  • Mark Valentine sponsored Tom Schultz
    “Best of luck on year #8!”
    Received this donation 73 days ago
    Tom Schultz
    “Chris and Mark, Thanks so much for your generous donation in support of the kids, this cause and me. My year 8 and you have been on my list for most of those. Friends like you make all this possible.”
  • Anonymous sponsored Tom Schultz
    “Well done, Tom. Glad to support you!”
    Received this donation 97 days ago
    Tom Schultz
    “Dear Anonymous (K), thanks for your generous donation and joining my lineup again this year. It is helping out a great cause, as we also remember our good friends. Also, thanks for your ongoing support in all areas. Onward”
  • Mike Shanahan sponsored Tom Schultz
    “Best of luck with year# 8 Tom. May your journey be smooth and ride like the wind (hopefully at your back) my friend. Doughboy”
    Received this donation 99 days ago
    Tom Schultz
    “Doughboy, thank you for joining my list of sponsors again this year with your very generous donation. Always want a smooth and safe ride. The wind? If it is in my face, the music goes louder.”
  • Teresa Craft sponsored Sally Rech
    Received this donation 196 days ago
    Sally Rech
    “Thank you so much Teresa. I can’t thank you enough for helping the kids❤️”
  • Amy and Neal Levin sponsored Tom Schultz
    “Good luck Tom!”
    Received this donation 101 days ago
    Tom Schultz
    “Amy and Neal, thank you so much for your support and generosity for me, the kids and this cause. How great to have your names on my list again this year. Friends like you make all this possible.”
  • Ron abd Sandy Spielman sponsored Julie Spielman
    Received this donation 134 days ago
    Julie Spielman
    “Thank you, thank you. I am so lucky to have so many people supporting me and the kids year after year. You are all the real heroes! 💙🧡”
  • Anonymous sponsored Dan Norman
    Received this donation 2 days ago
  • Deanna Wesley sponsored Sally Rech
    “Thanks for doing this Sally! Thinking of you guys and praying for health. 🤗💕”
    Received this donation 23 days ago
    Sally Rech
    “Thank you so much. Hope you have a great fourth of July”
Donate Now