Natalie Delapaz

Natalie Delapaz
I am riding 200 mi in memory of my loved one, Ava Christianson. Please sponsor me and support my challenge to fight kids' cancer and save little lives.
I've Ridden 0.0 mi ? My goal is 200 mi
My Rankings
  • National: 272nd
  • State: 9th in GA
I've raised $207 My goal is $1,000 Donate Now

I'm Riding For

Ava Christianson

Ava Christianson

Having Ava in my life will forever be apart of who I am. In her I saw the pure strength we as humans have inside of us. You are a little warrior pure heart and joy You deserved so much more than your short life allowed. Riding bikes isn't enough but it's my way of keeping you with me, sharing your story with the world, and continuing to spread the love you did in your life.

My Story

24 Aug 2020

My niece Ava Christianson is the reason I am participating in the Great Cycle Challenge. The fall of 2017 we lost Ava to Leukemia, I am sure you have all heard people say “they fought bravely everyday and never gave up hope” what you may not understand is the how painfully true that statement is. she should still be here but I guess her soul had other bigger & more important things on its list. For as much as she did in her life to help others it would not surprise me if now she is doing so much more in ways we can’t see but i believe it. During her battle she participated in ground breaking studies to help further treatment for childhood leukemia, (google her ”Cart19 Ava Christianson") not only will you get to learn about the Cart19 treatment, but more importantly you can watch videos and interviews with Ava our family. Ava was a gift to this world, she had very little time to be a child because she had to a Hero, and I ride for her💗

My Legacy

Here's my personal impact over 5 years to fight kids' cancer and save little lives.
  • 335 mi Ridden
    $825 Raised
  • 401 mi Ridden
    $1,713 Raised
  • Ridden
  • Ridden
736 mi

My Challenge

  • $100 raised to fight kids' cancer!

    I just raised $100 to fight kids' cancer and achieved DEFENDER LEVEL in the challenge! Thank you so much for your support.

    Posted 8 days ago
  • 2024 Challenge training begins
    18 Jun 2024

    Signed up and although September seems far off into the future, I know it will come quick. So my training begins now. I haven’t spent as much time on the bike this year as past years so it’s time to get at it!!

    Posted 8 days ago

My Sponsors

  • Lori Yakle
    “Proud to call you my friend. Sending my love!”
    Received this donation 8 days ago
Donate Now